+ What is th CELDT? What you need to know to be successful on this important exam
+ What is the purpose of the CELDT? The CELDT (instituted by Education Code sections 313 and 60810[d]) has three purposes To identify students who are limited English proficient To determine the level of English language proficiency of students who are limited English proficient To assess the progress of limited English proficient students in acquiring the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in English.
+ Who must take the CELDT? The CELDT must be given to students identified as English learners once a year as per the school district’s evaluation process until they are reclassified as fluent English proficient (RFEP).
+ Who is an English learner? An English learner, also known as a limited English Proficient (LEP) student, is a student who does not speak English or whose native language is not English and who is not currently able to perform ordinary classroom work in English (as per Education Code Section 306[a]).
+ What does the CELDT assess? The CELDT domains and test components are as follows: Listening Strategies and applications Speaking Strategies Reading Word analysis Fluency and systematic vocabulary development Reading comprehension Literary response and analysis Writing Strategies and applications English–language conventions
+ What types of questions are used on the CELDT? The following types of questions are used: Listening Following oral directions Extended listening comprehension (passage) Rhyming Listening comprehension (short, school situation)
+ What types of questions are used on the CELDT? Speaking Oral vocabulary Speech functions Choosing and giving reasons Four-picture narrative
+ What types of questions are used on the CELDT? Reading Alphabet recognition Word analysis Fluency and systematic vocabulary development Reading comprehension Literary analysis
+ What types of questions are used on the CELDT? Writing Writing words Grammar and structure Writing sentences Writing a short composition
+ How are the CELDT results reported for individual students? There are 5 levels of English Language Proficiency Beginning – Students understand simple phrases spoken in English. They begin to speak a few words to communicate basic needs. Early Intermediate – Students under- stand and respond to simple school tasks in English. They speak using phrases and short English. Intermediate – Students speak, read and write in English on familiar topics. They retell simple stories, participate in school discussions, and speak using full sentences. Early Advanced – Students are developing close to native-like proficiency in English. They participate in increasingly complex school tasks Advanced – Students speak, read, and write English in a manner that resembles a native English speaker. They participate fully in all school subjects.
+ How are results of the CELDT used? Annual assessment results are used to see how well English learners are acquiring English. Annual results also are one of four criteria used to determine if English learners possibly are ready to be reclassified as RFEP based on the reclassification process developed by the local school board in accordance with state law. The results of these tests determine if you still need an English support class.
+ What information is provided on the CELDT results reported for individual students? The CELDT results for individual students are provided in the CELDT Student Performance Level Report. This report shows the level of performance students have attained as they progress toward English language proficiency. The CELDT results are not used to measure academic achievement, but instead English Language Development for that student.
+ So what does this mean to me? Well, it is time to take to the CELDT for the new school year. Here is a copy of your results. Take a pencil and highlighter and let’s review your scores. Highlight your highest score. Circle your lowest score. Together we will write a goal that defines what you need to do to be more successful this time.
+ Writing an effective CELDT goal Write the following in your journal: My score in _______________ is currently ____________. My goal is to improve this score by ________ points so I can move to the next level or beyond. These are the three things I am going to do to improve my score