Reading is……..
Where YOU WILL be responsible for taking notes and listening……….. talking will NOT be the most important thing in here!
The purpose of this class is to: Distinguish between Students Who Cannot Read and Those Who Will Not Read And Those who Choose to change!
Notes will be put in your Journal.
Reading Strategies (copy) 1. Predict 2. Question 3. Connect 4. Visualize 5. Infer 6. Evaluate 1. To predict is….. 2.To question while reading is….. 3.How do I connect to what I read…. 4.What do I visualize….. 5. Infer means…… 6.To evaluate…..
COPY the definition of FLUENCY.
Story Map (copy) you can draw any style you choose ? ? ?
Draw this in YOUR journal!!
DRAW !!!!
Graphic Organizer (filled out) copy
Apply any of the following simple reading strategies to aid YOU during each portion of a reading assignment in any class. Before Reading Strategies brainstorm · predict · skim · assess prior knowledge · preview headings · learn crucial vocabulary During Reading Strategies reread · infer · question · support predictions · summarize After Reading Strategies reread · confirm predictions · summarize · synthesize · reflect · question
Now it is up to YOU!! SRI test (lexile scores) Grade levels measure year & month.
…Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. Measures reading comprehension!
Reading is: More than calling words Necessary for living/existing NOT going away Required for everyone Not always liked by everyone Takes you places, lets you experience things, and learn new things.
I READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!