Staffing & Selection © Nancy Brown Johnson 2000
Selection Determining who will staff the organization. Includes: interviewing, tests, weighing education & experience, recommendations
Good Selection Pays Off Firm performance depends on good people Costly to recruit & train employees Legal concerns of negligent hiring
What skills recruiters are looking for Experience with finance Enthusiastic about a new career Hones, hard working Aggressive & dedicated Think out of the box, attention to details Autonomous, work to meet customer needs Willingness to relocate Good communication & interpersonal skills Intellectual quickness, courageous leadership, compelling communication, people development, proven track record, high personal standards Ability to multi-task, Responsible employee & leader Strong work ethic GPA, good references Dedication & determination Teamwork
Selection Instruments How to decide whether they are useful.
Reliability Am I measuring the attribute consistently ?
Reliability Examples: test-re-test: give people same test at two time periods Inter-rater reliability: do different raters rate consistently
Validity Validity - are you measuring what you want to measure? In Selection: Does our selection instrument predict job performance? (Criterion Validity)
Key Definitions Predictors - personnel selection devices. Interviews Ability Tests Recommendations CCriterion - variable used to measure job performance. TTurnover AAbsenteeism PProductivity
Empirical Validation Statistically examines relationship between predictor & criterion scores. Establish criterion measures Obtain Predictor measures Correlate predictor & criterion measures PredictorCriterion
Examine predictor/criterion relationship Strength scatter diagram correlation coefficient Statistical significance - whether results are real or due to chance.
Strength of Relationship predictor criterion
Content Validation Is the instrument capturing job content: Expert judgement on test content Is the tests content an accurate reflection of the job
Utility Is the payoff from implementing new predictor worth it? Weighs the potential benefits against the potential costs. Utility depends on whether it improves the quality of individuals selected over what they would have been had the devise not been used.
Utility= quantity X quality - cost Quantity = Number People Selected/Year Quality = What proportion of those selected considered successful? What is good job performance worth? What is the variation in good & bad job performance. Selection rate What is the validity of the test? Cost = What does the selection test cost?
Raising Cut Score Performanc e Test Score
Changes in Cut Score False positive-test says to hire but it was a mistake False negatives-test says not to hire but would have been good employee
Raising Cut Score DDecreases false positives IIncreases false negatives
Interviews Most frequently used and most controversial method of selection. Other functions: public relations, organization communicates what it has to offer the applicant, and can fill in gaps in application blank.
Interviews Unreliable and Invalid Difficult cognitive task: manage conversation listen process information Remember
Improving Interview Validity Restrict the use of interviews to the KSAs that interviews can assess most effectively: personal relations, sociability; &citizenship Use structure - consistent information from applicants Job related questions - direct and specific information about the job.
More on Improving Interview Validity Formalize scoring - rating scales on a series of characteristics. Team approach - several interviewers as a group interview the applicant. Train the interviewer accurately receive information critically evaluate information regulate their own behavior in asking questions.
Behavioral or Situational Interview Behavior: asks about behavior in the past Situational: set up a situation, ask applicant to respond
Applications UUsed to get person's background & experience mminimum requirements ccomparing their strengths and weaknesses EEEOC guidelines recommend against certain questions with adverse impact. TThe questions need to be job related.
Lying Applications were compared with factual data. 25% listed previous employers that said they were never employed 25% disagreement on reasons for leaving 57% duration of previous employment 72% on salary
Misuse and Bias Weighted application blanks - scoring of application blank. Weight questions related to job success Must insure no weights for age, sex and marital status.
Ability Tests Intelligence tests - yield a single intelligence score. Mental ability tests - multiple scores: verbal work fluency, math, spatial relations. Relatively high validity
Personality Tests Personality - unique characteristics that define an individual. Personality not clearly related to job performance except for some situations and for some purposes tests don't identify dimensions important for job performance
Combining Methods Multiple hurdle - Each test represents hurdle and if fails any level then don't get job. Advantage - inexpensive Compensatory - all tests given to everyone. Exceptional performance may offset poor performance on another. Advantage - higher validity.
Summary The more systematic you can make selection devise the more reliable. Improves validity