Wanneroo Education Network Selection Process Information Workshop 2015 Teaching Staff
For all positions at all schools Jobs Online and/or JobsWA. electronic application on BigRedSky
Appointments Individual assessment of merit as the basis for appointments and movement between schools Flexibility at school level to create staffing profile to meet student needs School-level selection of all staff National professional standards for teachers, school leaders and other staff
Summary of system Principal submits vacancy Principal selects from redeployee recruitment pool Principal selects from transfer recruitment pool Principal may consider other recruitment pools including Graduates and fixed term teachers If no suitable teachers, vacancy is advertised on JobsWA and teachers apply online Panel uses online system for recruitment and selection process Recommended applicant approved by principal and offer of employment sent Successful applicant accepts offer and commences
NB There is no prescribed length, or format for Covering Letter or CV – just recommendations. Consider the reader and what is a reasonable balance. There is an expectation that you will be clear and concise
Covering Letter and CV Consider these in unison They need to complement and add value to each other
Covering Letter In this process, the letter needs to demonstrate your capacity in relation to the: Roles and Responsibilities criteria in the context of the school/position. Ie Pearsall context Literacy, Leader In Me Pastoral Care, Routines and Procedures
Covering Letter Covering letter should project the applicant into the role. What are the skills and competencies you bring to the position that will add value. Demonstrate your skills do not tell what you think.
In the CONTEXT of the position – how can you find out more about the context? Address the KEY WORDS of each criterion Assume the panel knows nothing about you Knowledge of theory does not demonstrate APPLICATION of theory
Context Annual Report saw Pearsall Primary School continue full steam ahead on it’s journey of growth and school development. The school population is now 370 students in comparison to the 162 students that started the school in The growth phase of the school is a time of positive change that is both exciting and challenging in terms of curriculum provision and resource management. Firmly focused at all times since the start of the year have been a number of cornerstone planks that are central to what Pearsall Primary School is. The continued focus on being a reading school has included a wide range of initiatives that have been driven by staff. This has included whole school books, author in residence, book week initiatives, staff PD with Jill Eggleton, resource collection development for students and teachers and a Book Fair. The Seven Habits and the Leader In Me process is providing a strong framework for students to practice proactivity and management of self. This has been clearly evident in the many whole school activities that have been undertaken. This in turn is building students confidence and capacity to synergise.
Establishing Context eID=160&windowUID=0&AdvertID= https://search.jobs.wa.gov.au/page.php?pag eID=160&windowUID=0&AdvertID= erview.do
AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers.pdf
Real or FACTUAL information which can be substantiated Include strong measurable OUTCOMES of your work Indicate your use of INTERPERSONAL SKILLS throughout the examples Convey being a staff member of the school.
Convey STUDENT FOCUS and CLIENT FOCUS Use PROACTIVE examples to indicate initiative Provide evidence of CURRENT initiatives Indicate competencies from previous jobs where relevant and how they relate to new position
The transferable nature of your knowledge, skills and abilities Consider the School Plan and professional learning initiatives Be aware that selection will be considered based on your particular strengths and the needs of the school.
Emphasis the sections of the criterion you believe are most relevant Engage the reader Write in the FIRST PERSON identifying your role in the process NO need to include photographs, letters of commendation etc
CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) TIPS: WHAT PANELS WANT FROM APPLICANTS CV’s which quickly enable decisions about interviews Key achievements and relevant professional development CV’s that demonstrate understanding of the employers needs Clear links to the advertised position
Ability to Illustrate relevant skills Enthusiasm for the advertised role Easily read applications Understanding of School’s and Departmental values
Referees Name, current title and relationship to applicant should be stated along with current contact details Confirm they are willing to undertake role Provide them with copy of your application Confirm their contact details REFEREES CAN BE CONTACTED AT ANY STAGE DURING THE PROCESS referee report example.doc