Proposal for target documents of CJK editing team April 7 th 2006 TTC.


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal for target documents of CJK editing team April 7 th 2006 TTC

CJK Editing activities In CJK NGN-WG last December, the Korean proposal of organizing CJK editing teams for ITU-T draft Recommendations, which aims at the activation of ITU activity, was agreed. The CJK ad hoc meeting during SG13 this January decided the target documents for CJK editing work, working procedures, and editing team leaders based on Japanese (NTT) proposal. Current target documents are Y.NGN-R1-requirement and Y.NGN-FRA, which will be consented at next SG13 meeting this July. The CJK editing team has been working on these documents. The ad hoc meeting also agreed that at the next CJK NGN-WG meeting this April the priority level of ITU draft Recommendations for CJK and the selection of new target documents for editing will be discussed. - Japan proposes assigning the highest priority level of ITU draft Recommendations. - Japan would like to exchange opinions about current working procedure of CJK editing activity. Then, if needed, CJK NGN-WG will redesign the procedure.

Document selection criteria Proposed documents for editing [Proposal] Editing documents Candidate documentsReason for selecting documents (1) Y.NGN SecurityIn Japan, Y.NGN-security plays a very important role to construct a safe and reliable NGN. In addition, Mr. Egawa, NEC, is a co-editor. (2) Y.CSFNGN converged services are provided by combinations of service components. Japan should watch with keen interest. Following two documents would be a high priority. 1.Y.NGN-Security :This document describes NGN security requirements. One of the editor is Mr. Egawa of NEC, Japan. 2.Y.CSF :This document describes the framework for converged services which use some service components of NGN. This affects almost all components of NGN. The criteria of selecting documents that would be edited by CJK teams is as follows:  ITU-T Recommendations that are needed for CJK members  Draft documents that have a wide effect  (If possible) Draft documents whose editors include at least one CJK member  Documents that are of interest to at least two CJK members

[for reference] ITU-T NGN doc. List(1/5) RecommendationSubjectEditorsQuesReferencesTimingPriProposa l Y.NGN-R1NGN release 1 descriptionOlivier Le Grand (France Telecom)1/13TD 61 (WP1/13)Jul-06H NGN-R1 scopeSupplement: NGN release 1 scopeGreg Ratta(USA)1/13TD 180 Rev.1 (GEN) Jul-06H NGN Roadmap Hideo Imanaka(NTT,Japan)1/13TD 55Rev.1(WP1/13) Y.ngn-vpnVPN service capabilities in NGN mobile environment Chulwoon Jang (HUFS, Korea) Ilyoung Chong (HUFS, Korea) 2/13TD 177 (WP 3/13)TBDM Y.mpls-mobMPLS-based mobility and QoS capability for NGN services Tai Won Um, Seong Gon Choi, Jun Kyun Choi(Korea) 2/13TD 175 (WP3/13)TBDM Y.ngn-accountRequirements and framework allowing accounting, charging and billing capabilities in NGN Taesang Choi(ETRI, Korea)2/13TD 174 Rev.1 (WP3/13) Dec-06M Y.NGN-R1-Reqts (Y.NGN-GRQ) NGN release 1 requirementsAtsunobu Narita (NTT COMWARE, Japan) 2/13TD 167 (WP 3/13)Jul-06Hselected Y.NGN-mcastNGN multicast service capabilities with MPLS- based QoS support YoungHwan Kwon, Jun Kyun Choi (Korea) Woo Seop Rhee, Il Young Chong (Korea) 2/13TD 172 Rev.1 (WP3/13) TBDM Y.ngn-mcastsfNGN multicast service frameworkJuyoung Park(ETRI, Korea) Shin Gak Kang(ETRI, Korea) 2/13TD 171 (WP 3/13)TBDM Y.ngn-uptUPT service over NGNNiu Yingbin(China Telecom, China)2/13TD 168 (WP 3/13)TBD Y.ngn-rtconvIMS-based real time conversational voice servicesNiu Yingbin(China Telecom, China) Pan Qiuling(Huawei,China) 2/13TD 169 (WP 3/13)TBD Y.idserv-reqtsNGN service requirements for ID-based applicationsYong-Woon KIM(ETRI, Korea) HyoungJun KIM(ETRI, Korea) 2/13TD 170 Rev.1 (WP 3/13) TBD Y.ngn-openenvOpen service environment capabilities for NGN applications and user services WonSuk LEE(ETRI, Korea) SeungYun LEE(ETRI, Korea) 2/13TD 173 (WP 3/13)TBD Y.vpn-QoSQoS support for VPN services – Framework and Characteristics Li Mo(ZTE, China) Dan Chen(ZTE, China) 2/13TD 176 (WP 3/13)Jul-06H China = 15Japan = 4Korea = 19Others = 23 No of docs

[for reference] ITU-T NGN doc. List(2/5) RecommendationSubjectEditorsQuesReferencesTimingPriProposa l Y.2241 (Y.NGN- CMIP) Customizable IP networks (CIP): A framework for requirements and capabilities for the customization of IP service networks by customers Jun Kyun Choi(Korea)3/13COM 13-TD 108 (WP 2/13) achieve d H Y.CSFConverged services framework functional requirements and architecture Syed Husain(Motorola, USA) Jinkyung Hwang(Korea Telecom,Korea) 3/13TD 112 (WP 2/13)TBDHJapanes e proposa l Y.IFNIMS for Next Generation NetworksMartin Niekus(Lucent)3/13TD 103 Rev.1 (WP 2/13) Jul-06H Y.NGN-ET-TechNext Generation Networks – Emergency telecommunications – Technical issues Gregory Bain(USA) Volker Gebauer(Federal Republic of Germany) 3/13TD 114 (WP 2/13)TBDH Y.NGN-FRAFunctional requirements and architecture of the NGN Naotaka Morita (NTT, Japan) Wang Ying (Huawei, China) Jinho Hahm (ETRI, Korea) 3/13TD 133 (WP 2/13)Jul-06Hselected Y.PIEAPSTN/ISDN emulation architectureZhang Yuan(China Telecom, China)3/13TD 109 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H Y.123.qosA QoS control architecture for Ethernet-based IP access network Daoyan YANG(Huawei, China) Ning Li (Huawei,China) 4/13TD 69 Rev.1 (WP 4/13) Dec-06H Y.1291A QoS architecture for packet networks 4/13 TBDM Y.e2eqos.1Requirements and framework for end-to-end QoS architecture Cagatay Buyukkoc(ZTE)4/13D 317Dec-06H Y.enetA QoS architecture for Ethernet networksJungjoon Lee (ICU) Jun Kyun Choi (ICU) YoungWook Cha (ANU) 4/13D 318Dec-06H Y.ipaqosA QoS Framework for IP-based access networksCagatay Buyukkoc(ZTE,China)4/13D 320TBDM Y.msnniqosMulti Service Provider NNI for IP QoSRajiv Kapoor(Cisco,USA)4/13D 316Dec-06H Y.pmmPerformance measurement and management for NGN Phil Jacobs(Cisco,USA) Taesang Choi(ETRI, Korea) 4/13TD 70 (WP 4/13)Jul-06H

[for reference] ITU-T NGN doc. List(3/5) RecommendationSubjectEditorsQuesReferencesTimingPriProposa l Y.racfRequirements and architecture for resource and admission control in NGN Dong Sun(Lucent, USA) Ning Li(Huawei,China) Enhui Liu(Huawei, China) 4/13TD 81 Rev.2 (WP 4/13) Jul-06H Y.FMCArcFMC architecture and frameworkBaofeng (Felix), Zhang(Huawei,China)6/13TD 47 (WP 2/13)TBDM Rec.FMCReqFMC general requirementsBaofeng (Felix), Zhang(Huawei,China)6/13TD 116 Rev.1 (WP 2/13) Q M Rec.MMFGeneric framework of mobility management for systems beyond IMT-2000 Seok J. Koh(KNU,Korea) Hee Young Jung(ETRI, Korea) 6/13TD 120 (WP 2/13) Q H Rec.MMRMobility management requirements for systems beyond IMT-2000 HeeYoung Jung(ETRI,Korea) Seok J. Koh(KNU,Korea) 6/13TD 119 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H Rec.FMC-IMSFixed-Mobile convergence with a common IMS session control domain Li Mo(ZTE,China) Kees den Hollander(Samsung,Korea) 6/13TD 118 (WP 2/13) Q H Rec.FMC-PAUFMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed access network for UMTS network Shi minrui(China Telecom,China)6/13TD 117 (WP 2/13) Q H Rec.LMFLocation mobility management framework 6/ Q H Rec.HMFHandover management framwork 6/ Q H Y.1401General requirements for interworking with Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks B. Niven-Jenkins(BT,UK)7/13TD 31 (WP 3/13)2006H Y.1452 (Y.vtoip)Voice trunking over IP networksYaakov (J) Stein(RAD Data Communications,ISRAEL) 7/13AAP TD 150 (PLEN) Jan-06M Y.1453 (Y.tdmip)TDM – IP network interworking – User plane interworking Yaakov (J) Stein(RAD Data Communications,ISRAEL) 7/13AAP (TD 151 (PLEN)) achieve d H Y.csemGeneral requirements for call server based PSDN/ISDN emulation Ms Xiaojie Zhu(China Telecommunications,China) 7/13TD 146 (WP 3/13)2006M

[for reference] ITU-T NGN doc. List(4/5) RecommendationSubjectEditorsQuesReferencesTimingPriProposa l Y.ethatmfrEthernet, ATM and frame relay service interworking – user plane interworking J. McEachern7/13TD 22 (WP2/13) [June 2004] 2007M Y.ginaGeneric interworking architectureGhassem Koleyni(Nortel,Canada)7/13TD 149 (WP 3/13)2006H Y.ppiPrinciples and requirements for peer partition interworking B.P. Niven-Jenkins(BT,UK)7/13TD 150 (WP 3/13)2007H Y.tfo-ipTandem free operation - IP network interworking – User Plane Interworking ALBRECHT SCHWARZ(ALCATEL, Germany) 7/13TD 152 (WP 3/13)2007M Y.gcaoethGeneric Client Adaptation over Ethernet networksYaakov (J) Stein(RAD Data Communications,ISRAEL) 7/13TD 147 (WP 3/13)2007M Y.gcaoipGeneric Client Adaptation over IP networksYaakov (J) Stein(RAD Data Communications,ISRAEL) 7/13TD 148 (WP 3/13)2007M Y.nevNetwork evolution to NGNKrzysztof Ciesielski(Telekomunikacja Polska,Poland) 7/13TD 154 (WP 3/13)2007M Y.pievPSDN/ISDN evolution to NGNKrzysztof Ciesielski(Telekomunikacja Polska,Poland) 7/13TD 155 (WP 3/13)2006H Y.emsimPSTN/ISDN emulation and evolutionMichael Kim(Telecommunications Technology Association,Korea) 7/13TD 156 (WP 3/13)2006H Y.wsconvWeb services based NGN convergence service scenario Kangchan Lee(ETRI,Korea) Seungyun Lee(ETRI,Korea) 8/13TD 182 (WP 3/13)2006 Y.ctmpNGN capability to support convergence terminals for multiple network and service provider environment Byoungik Choi(TTA,Korea) Kyouho Lee(TTA,Korea) Soonghee Lee(TTA,Korea) 8/13TD 183 (WP 3/13)2006 Y.ipv6multiFramework of Ipv6 multi-homing for NGNYong Geun Hong(ETRI,Korea) Seok J. Koh(KNU,Korea) 9/13TD 107 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H Y.ipv6reqService requirements and functional capabilities of Ipv6-based NGN Jung Soo Park(ETRI, Korea)9/13TD 106 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H Y.ipv6sigSignaling requirements for QoS support in NGN using IPv6 Gyu Myoung Lee, Jun Kyun Choi (Korea) 9/13TD 105 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H Y.NGN-R1-TermNGN terminology for release 1Stewart Alexander(BT,UK)11/13TD 54 Rev.1 (WP 1/13) Jul-06H

[for reference] ITU-T NGN doc. List(5/5) RecommendationSubjectEditorsQuesReferencesTimingPriProposa l Y.FPBN-reqGeneral requirements of future packet-base networks B.P. Niven-Jenkins(BT,UK) Baohong He(MII,China) 13/13TD 59 (WP 1/13)Jul-06H Y.FPBN-archHigh level architecture of future packet based networks B.P. Niven-Jenkins(BT,UK) Baohong He(MII,China) 13/13TD 60 (WP 1/13)Jul-06H Y.NGN SecurityNGN Security requirementsM. Dolly(AT&T, USA) Takashi Egawa(NEC, Japan) 15/13TD 100 (WP 2/13)Jul-06HJapanes e proposa l Y.NGN Authentication NGN AuthenticationIgor Faynberg(Bell Lab, Lucent,USA)15/13TD 99 (WP 2/13)Jul-06H