What is Empathy?
Scenarios Turn to a partner and think of a time you practiced empathy? What made you feel what that person was feeling? Did you look at them in a different way? Share!
Empathy Exercise Partner up. Mirror each other. (5mins) **Imagine what it would be like to be this person.
Listening-empathetically Turn to your partner. Without interruption, tell them about the happiest memory you have. 2nd partner, listen. Now stand, 1st partner sit. Switch roles. 2nd partner, tell the 1st partner about the hardest day of your life. 1st partner, listen.
Discussion Can you see empathy? How can someone show empathy to someone else? How do you feel when someone shows empathy? What does empathy have to do with being a good leader?
Final Thoughts?
E.M.P.A.T.H.Y. E – everybody needs somebody M – Model and mirror P – Put yourself in their shoes A – Ask if you can help T – Treat others the way you want to be treated H - Helpful Y – You hold the power to making them feel better! Your turn!!