From liker to supporter Glyn Thomas more onion
Outline Which platforms? Collecting addresses Storytelling Campaigning & Fundraising Data analysis and split testing Tools and technology
Which platforms? Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Pinterest? LinkedIn? Whatsapp? Vine? YouTube?
Collect address Facebook sign up option
Collect address Facebook sign up option Post suggesting people sign up
Collect address Facebook sign up option Post suggesting people sign up Offer an incentive
Collect address Facebook sign up option Post suggesting people sign up Offer an incentive Competition
Collect address Facebook sign up option Post suggesting people sign up Offer an incentive Competition Twitter lead generation cards Driving people to take action
Storytelling Georgetown University research – people active online with NGOs and charities
Storytelling Georgetown University research – people active online with NGOs and charities 56% read a story on social media that made them want to do more
Storytelling Georgetown University research – people active online with NGOs and charities 56% read a story on social media that made them want to do more 41% watched a video 40% saw a photo 36% read or heard through social media about other people taking action
Storytelling Photos Videos Infographics Impact of action or donation Peer to Peer
Storytelling Photos Videos Infographics
Storytelling Photos Videos Infographics Impact of action or donation
Storytelling Photos Videos Infographics Impact of action or donation Peer to Peer
Social proof Campaigning and fundraising
Social proof Campaigning and fundraising Share after taking action or donating
Social proof Campaigning and fundraising Share after taking action or donating Landing page crucial
Social proof Campaigning and fundraising Share after taking action or donating Landing page crucial Normalise the fact that people are taking action or donating
Data & split testing Track all URLs: URL builder and bitly, including share URLs
Data & split testing Track all URLs: URL builder and bitly, including share URLs Landing page optimised and tested FB visitors vs Twitter visitors
Data & split testing Track all URLs: URL builder and bitly, including share URLs Landing page optimised and tested FB visitors vs Twitter visitors Upworthy: 25 headlines
Data & split testing Track all URLs: URL builder and bitly, including share URLs Landing page optimised and tested FB visitors vs Twitter visitors Upworthy: 25 headlines Split testing social media content
Tools and technology