ip4inno 1 Robert Sanders EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network)
ip4inno 2 Main aim of ip4inno The main aim of ip4inno is to increase understanding and usage of IP by SMEs, with a view to increasing innovation and competitiveness in line with the goals of the Lisbon Agenda.
ip4inno 3 Ip4inno targets ip4inno is aimed principally at SMEs through training staff (train the trainers) in entities supporting those, such as Technology Transfer Offices and other institutions involved in the innovation process (e.g. Chambers of Commerce, Innovation Agencies, Business Advisory Bodies, Incubators, etc.) The project to continue, develop and expand following the initial 2-year period.
ip4inno 4 Main outcomes of the project clear picture of the SMEs needs and training needs of the target group training for specific target groups in the protection and exploitation of IP and IP management exchange and dissemination of information and good practices, incl. training packages within several European countries
ip4inno 5 Project details EC Funding programme: FP6 Research and Innovation Project type: INNO Action Project start: 1 January 2007 Duration: 2 years Budget: 4 mil. EUR (up to 50% financed by the EC)
ip4inno 6 Project Organisation: Work Packages WP1:Consortium & technical project co-ordination and management WP2: Joint study and analysis of SMEs needs WP3: Development of the CESM (Common European Support Mechanism); information dissemination WP4: Gathering training material & completing training packages WP5: Train the trainers WP6: Pilot regional training scheme for multipliers WP7: Evaluation report by trainers
ip4inno 7 Ip4inno Management structure
ip4inno 8 Ip4inno configuration of the action
ip4inno 9 Ip4inno calendar M1 – January 2007 M24 – December 2008
ip4inno 10 Project partners (all public entities) Consortium of 19 partners (NPOs, European network coordinator, national/regional innovation centers, educational and research establishments): EPOIPO CroatiaFraunhofer Gesellschaft Hungarian POTurkish Patent InstituteIEEPI INPI PortugalDKPTOMETUTECH (TR) PRH FinlandEBNFundación EOI OEPMFunditec (ES)UPM (ES) INPI FranceIWT FlandersUniversity of Alicante CRP Henry Tudor
ip4inno 11 Ip4inno Training events so far… 47 training events already organised (61 planned) 563 participants Modules most requested: 3A - Patent Information 4A - Commercialisation
ip4inno 12 Ip4inno Module 1 and 2 Topics module 1A Patent basics module 2A Unregistered IP - abstract, description, drawings, claims, - filing, search, publication, examination "A" & "B", grant, renewals - National; EPO; PCT; costs - role of the patent attorney - Utility models; Plant varieties - copyright: what it does and does not protect; infringement; collective licensing societies - database right - software - "reputation" and common law trade marks - unregistered designs - semiconductor topography right module 1B Other Industrial Property module 2B "Soft IP" - trade marks, RTMs, OHIM, Madrid Protocol, PGIs; domain names - Designs, OHIM - Know-how, trade secrecy, confidentiality - Restrictive covenants - "First Mover Advantage" - "business methods"
ip4inno 13 module 3A Patent Info module 4A Commercialisation - technical information - commercial intelligence - classification schemes - decision-making - patent-mapping - different database providers - licensing-in & -out - contracts; ownership - spin-outs - selling & buying technology - valuing IP; accounting for IP - patent strategies module 3B Espacenet Tutorial module 4B Building a business -ECLA; ICP ed.8 -keywords; searching -interpreting results - drafting a business plan - sources of finance - marketing innovation Ip4inno Module 3 and 4 Topics
ip4inno 14 module 5A Enforcement module 6A Issues by Sector - Mediation and ADR - Litigation; infringement & revocation - counterfeiting & piracy - Software & telecomms - Biotech - Creative industries module 5B Problem Workshops module 6B How to get IP information, awareness and training to SMEs. "Selling the message" - several fictional IP problems in a business scenario to test the knowledge of the audience Ip4inno Module 5 and 6 Topics
ip4inno 15 Questions?
ip4inno More about Ip4inno on….
ip4inno 17 Robert SANDERS Head of European Projects EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network) Avenue de Tervueren, 168 bte 25 B Bruxelles Direct Line Tel: Fax: My contact….
ip4inno 18 Thanks for your attention