“Is a non profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide” – twloha.com/vision
This is the totally incredible TWLOHA team. Sparking inspiration in many and spreading the hope to live another day.
“TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and to invest directly into treatment and recovery” - twloha.com/vision
It all started with a broken girl and a few friends dedicated entirely to her recovery. Her name is Renee Yohe.
Her situation was to “at risk” and the treatment center rejected her however, if she could go through a five day detox they would take her in.
So together was formed a few friends that stuck with her those five days showing love and giving her hope.
They made a MySpace page and sold shirts
“but I decided that if were going to run a five-day rehab it is going to be the coolest in the country.” –Jamie Tworkowski
And so it spread… So many people in pain and heartache have found this organization and have felt comfort and hope.
TWLOHA travels …through
SOCIAL MEDIA: Where it all started. TWLOHA can be found on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and their own personal site.
SPEECH: They travel and speak to crowds.
EVENTS: Such as warp tour. Where bands come together for an event of hope.
THE STORYTELLERS: I have had the most amazing opportunity to work for TWLOHA on their Storyteller high school campaign. I sold The Storytellers bracelets to gain funds that went straight to TWLOHA. These bracelets are only available to Storytellers and you can not buy them anywhere else. which makes them so special and unique
What's your biggest fear? What's your biggest dream? FEAR vs. DREAM
FUNDRAISERS: They have a StayClassy online fundraising site. Many individuals also host their own fundraiser to raise money for TWLOHA. I raised money by selling brownies and also the cents for hope jar I had for The Storyteller campaign.
MERCHANDISE: TWLOHA has been selling their signature t shirts from the beginning. They also sell stickers, info cards, clothing and accessories. I have 3 shirts at the moment and I love wearing them because people are always going to ask “What does that mean?” and conversations start.
STREET TEAM: Basically just little assignments to help support TWLOHA and you gain points for each assignment you complete. Super simple and you gain points at the same time. I also have this as a app on my phone.
They also have a bands that spread information about TWLOHA and wear their shirts. SO many people have made comments about finding out about TWLOHA through bands.
BOOK: Renees story is being shared with her book Purpose of the Pain It is entirely her journal
Movie: This inspirational story will soon be released in the “Renee” movie.
350 million people worldwide suffer from depression (World Health Organization) 2/3 of those suffering from depression never seek treatment
This is just so important. You never know what someone may be going through. It is up to us to spread hope and encouragement to those around us. Don’t put them down. Show love. Will you join the love movement?
Operation Beautiful Look around you its happening right this very moment! You never now what someone may be going through. Truthfully life is hard. Everyone has hurt. It is our duty to spread hope and reason. A reason to stay a live. Because your life does matter. You’re a living story.
Lets write little positive notes to someone that may need it at that very moment. Lets spread those notes of encouragement every where we go.
Don’t forget to send me your photos! Send me pictures of the note and where you posted it. You can send the photos to me through: My Through a Facebook message (Breanna Reaves) Or Twitter
Because I didn’t come up with it all by myself Major create to twloha.com for spreading hope and encouragement to so many people worldwide. Thank you for being so inspiring. Twloha.com/vision
Please stay alive…..