Provincia di Milano - Italy The Provincial Activities for Energy Efficiency Bruna Brembilla
The Context
The Target Reduce final consumption by 1% a year – in line with the European Directive on Energy Services no. 32, approved 5 April 2006 Install, by 2010, 50,000 m 2 of thermal solar collectors for domestic hot water production. Install 1,000 kW of photovoltaic systems on provincial facilities Prevent annually the emission into the atmosphere of 130,000 tonnes of CO 2.
The Method Based on agreement and consensus. Working group set up together with the Municipalities to design and enforce new building regulations, and for energy certification of buildings Working group set up with main stakeholders for the establishment of an energy pact. An Energy Forum with all stakeholders involved.
The Tools The New Building Regulations, aimed at halving energy consumption in new and refurbished buildings. The Building Energy Certification for greater awareness of energy consumption and market transparency. The Accreditation System for Building Certifiers - Sacert - in order to guarantee qualified and independent certifiers. The Energy Info Points to spread information and best practice on energy saving and renewable energy opportunities. The public-private partnership to provide Zero-Rate Bank Loans, with interest shared by the Provincia and the Banks for energy efficiency retrofits on existing buildings. The Energy Observatory for monitoring, analysis and provide feed back.
The Building Regulations Building Orientation Thermal Insulation Mechanical Ventilation Solar Thermal Collectors High Efficiency Boilers Window Performance Rainwater Recovery COMPULSORY CLAUSES
The Building Energy Labelling Two Indicators 1 st indicator: Heating Needs 2 nd Indicator: Primary Energy The Energy Plate for Market Transparency
The Accreditation System Check that the building energy certifiers: possess the legal requirements possess professional competence are independent Keep and publish the lists of certifiers. Control the certification procedure via an inspection system Collaborate with Municipalities, Provinces and the Regions for the maintenance of the buildings certified registers. Check that the building energy certifiers: possess the legal requirements possess professional competence are independent Keep and publish the lists of certifiers. Control the certification procedure via an inspection system Collaborate with Municipalities, Provinces and the Regions for the maintenance of the buildings certified registers.
The Info Points Objectives and Tasks To help the public in relationships with the service staff and inspectors of heating systems. To inform the public on energy saving, financing, regulations and legislation. To advise the Municipalities on the reduction of energy consumption and costs. To increase technical competence concerning energy amongst those in the field.
The Pact for Energy Zero-Rate Bank Loans: Establishment of a public/private Partnership to provide contributions in the form of an interest free account. Valid interventions: insulation, innovative equipment, renewable energy sources. Maximum repayment period : 5-7 years. Beneficiaries: Property Owners, Condominiums, Small and Medium Sized Businesses. One million euro allocated in order to cover 50% of interest costs and another million euro allocated by the Banks to cover the remaining 50% interest costs
Conclusions Reverse the current Energy Paradigm: Demand Side Management vs. Spply Side Management Policies aimed at increasing the supply of energy have to be replaced by policies of energy demand management. Fossil fuel sources must be considered as supplementary to renewable sources (and not vice versa, as is usually assumed). Rational use of energy, energy efficiency and energy saving are resources that have economic value and these resources must be compared with those on supply side in order to chose the most cost effective ones The New Energy Paradigm
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