Substitute 0 for y. Write original equation. To find the x- intercept, substitute 0 for y and solve for x. SOLUTION Find the x- intercept and the y- intercept of the graph of 2x + 7y = 28. Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation EXAMPLE 1 Solve for x. 2x + 7(0) = 28 x == x + 7y = 28
2(0) + 7y = 28 Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation EXAMPLE 1 To find the y- intercept, substitute 0 for x and solve for y. Write original equation. Substitute 0 for x. Solve for y. ANSWER The x- intercept is 14. The y- intercept is 4. 2x +7y = 28 y = 28 7 = 4
Substitute 0 for y. Write original equation. To find the x- intercept, substitute 0 for y and solve for x. SOLUTION Find the x- intercept and the y- intercept of the graph of the equation. Solve for x. 3x + 2(0) = 6 x = 2 3x + 2y = 6 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example x + 2y = 6
3(0) + 2y = 6 Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation EXAMPLE 1 To find the y- intercept, substitute 0 for x and solve for y. Write original equation. Substitute 0 for x. Solve for y. ANSWER The x- intercept is 2. The y- intercept is 3. 3x +2y = 6 y =3 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1
Substitute 0 for y. Write original equation. To find the x- intercept, substitute 0 for y and solve for x. SOLUTION Find the x- intercept and the y -intercept of the graph of the equation. Solve for x. 4x – 2(0) = 10 4x – 2y = 10 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example x – 2y = x = x= 2.5
4(0) – 2y = 10 Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation EXAMPLE 1 To find the y- intercept, substitute 0 for x and solve for y. Write original equation. Substitute 0 for x. Solve for y. ANSWER The x- intercept is 2.5. The y- intercept is –5. 4x – 2y =10 y = – = – GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1
Substitute 0 for y. Write original equation. To find the x- intercept, substitute 0 for y and solve for x. SOLUTION Find the x- intercept and the y -intercept of the graph of the equation. Solve for x. –3x + 5(0) = –15 –3x + 5y = –15 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 3. – 3x + 5y = – x = = 5
–3(0) + 5y = –15 Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation EXAMPLE 1 To find the y- intercept, substitute 0 for x and solve for y. Write original equation. Substitute 0 for x. Solve for y. ANSWER The x- intercept is 5. The y- intercept is –3. –3x + 5y = –15 y = – = – GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1