Budget justification A point by point narrative (in addition to forms) of why you need each dollar. Things to remember: 1.Know what the funding parameter space is for your specific agency/grant mechanism! Will they cover: University indirects (WVU’s is currently 46.5%) Cost sharing (do they expect it/letters of support) Equipment (indirects on equipment) Travel (conferences vs research site) Salaries: Graduate Undergraduate and Faculty salary Cost of living increases: this is defined annually by the university and WV state Publication costs Office supplies Expendable lab supplies 2.Know what you need to buy to get the job done 3.Know how much your equipment purchase will be get quotes and make sure the vender recognizes in writing that this is a budgeted item wont be purchased until the grant is funded. 4.Contact OSP once you have a draft budget have them count your beans 5.OSP does not think like you! BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH OSP!!
Budget justification Things to remember: Preparing the numbers: A good site to bookmark is Provides current F&A and Fringe rates Fringe Benefit Rates Full time27.50% Part time8.40% Undergraduate Student 2.00% Graduate Student 7.00% Facilities & Administration Researchon campus46.5% off campus26% Instructionson campus55% off campus26% Other Sponsored Activity (OSA) on campus31.5% off campus26%
Budget justification What do you say to justify 1.Know what the funding parameter space is for your specific agency/grant mechanism! Will they cover: University indirects (WVU’s is currently 46.5%) Cost sharing (do they expect it/letters of support) Equipment (indirects on equipment) Travel (conferences vs research site) Graduate Undergraduate salaries Faculty salary Publication costs Office supplies Expendable lab supplies 2.Know what you need to buy to get the job done 3.Know how much your equipment purchase will be get quotes and make sure the vender recognizes in writing that this is a budgeted item wont be purchased until the grant is funded. 4.Contact OSP once you have a draft budget have them count your beans 5.OSP does not think like you! BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH OSP!!
Excerpts from Belanger’s proposal Personnel
Excerpts from Belanger’s proposal Equipment
Excerpts from Belanger’s proposal Materials and supplies: