Katri-Liis Lepik HARJUMAA-UUSIMAA - A RISING TWIN-REGION OF SCIENCE AND ARTS KATRI-LIIS LEPIK (M.Ed.,PhD. student) Manager Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio Homepage:
Katri-Liis Lepik amalgamation of regional and local authorities from both sides of the national border, sometimes with a parliamentary assembly; cross-border organisations with a permanent secretariat and experts and administrative staff; of private law based on national associations or foundations from both sides of the border according to the respective public law; of public law based on international treaties which also regulate the membership of regional authorities What is a euroregion:
Katri-Liis Lepik Create strategies for development of border regions; Coordinate different actors in the border areas; Provide advisory support for its members in project applications; Being a project applicants; Taking part in program management (certain function); Being fully responsible for CBC programs or sub-programs. What is a generalised role of a euroregion:
Katri-Liis Lepik Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio partners: Helsinki City ( Uusimaa Regional Council ( Tallinn City ( Estonian Republic ( represented by Harju County Government ( Union of Harju County Municipalities (
Katri-Liis Lepik Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio mission: The mission of the Euregio is to enhance balanced cross-border integration, and finally the creation of Uusimaa-Harjumaa twin-region. Euregio aims to become an active stakeholder to support and to promote inter-regional development and competitiveness based on complementary strengths and common creative cultural environment.
Katri-Liis Lepik Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio as a twin- region of innovation Helsinki-Tallinn cooperation – a twin-city in reality Harjumaa- Uusimaa - a rising twin-region in the Baltic Sea area A mediator of triple-helix cooperation A facilitator in the dissemination of know-how, experiences and information
Katri-Liis Lepik Strengths of the region: Knowledge-based employment and high levels of research, innovation and education Large inputs in R&D but what matters are the outputs Large concentration of higer education institutions - twin-universities in the future Knowledge-intensive enterprises Fast GDP growth, favourable tax levels
Katri-Liis Lepik Strengths of the region: Strong sectors of biotechnology, ICT, and material sciences Rising sectors: design, new media, wellness and recreation Good transport and transit links, access to Russia Knowledge producing knowledge and knowledge holders attracting additional talents to the region
Katri-Liis Lepik Networking - foster networks among people and firms Knowledge on knowledge - study and analyse the cluster, provide services, improve awareness of cluster Strategic information - help government, companies and & communication universities take the right decisions Branding - create regional brand, attract new firms, capital and talent to the region Research / Education - promote new technologies Innovation - promote innovation, incubator services and formation of spin-offs Commercialisation - transfer and diffuse technology within the cluster Regions tools:
Katri-Liis Lepik A tool for regional development Information exchange and networking organisation for the partners and also for other actors of the twin-region A political discussion forum A mediator and facilitator of cross-border and inter- regional cooperation projects A mediator in the dissemination of know-how, experiences and information Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio: