Faculty Senate Forum Agenda 11/27/2012 5:30 - 5:50 pm: David Zeh - The new NSHE funding formula and its implications for UNR and northern campuses 5:50 - 6:10 pm: David Sanders - Models for distributing that elusive quantity called merit 6:10 - 6:15 pm: Orion Cuffe - The Day of Education (Feb 25, 2013) events in Carson City. An opportunity for students and faculty to express their support for higher education in Nevada 6:15 - 6:30 pm: David Ryfe - The Future of the University of Nevada - an overview of the soon-to-be released Commission report. 6:30 - 7:30 pm: Questions, informal discussion and refreshments
Why Have a Faculty Senate Forum? Findings of the Senate’s Campus Affairs Committee Faculty believe that University policies and policy changes are not adequately explained to them
Crisis? What crisis? Challenges Facing Higher Education in Nevada Skeptical legislators State disinvestment in public universities Stagnant economy Rising costs and burgeoning student debt Salary erosion Disruptive innovation For profit, virtual universities MOOCs and the extinction of the mid-tier university
New NSHE Funding Formula The good Campuses retain fees and tuition Weighted student credit hours attempt to reflect cost of instruction Research expenditures included in performance pool The bad Performance pool is a carve out Performance pool only weakly related to performance − no national benchmarks such as six-year graduation rate The ugly Incompleters are completers “Earned F’s” are completers Only exclude F grades through non-attendance – double moral hazard 4
New NSHE Funding Formula – Base Formula 5
Performance pool – a work in progress 6 UNR Performance Pool - Outcomes and Points ( ) OutcomesWeightsUNR UNR Weighted Points Effective Weight of Metric Bachelor's Degrees30%2, % Master's and Doctoral Degrees10% % Sonsored/External Research Expenditures in $100,000's15% % Transfer students w/ associates degree5%1, % Efficiency - Degrees per 100 FTE20% % At Risk Graduate (minority and low income)5% % Economic Development (STEM and Allied Health) Graduates15%1, % TOTAL100% 1,186.4
Why six-year graduation rates? 7
10 Senate Salary Resolution Passed 11/15/2012 Despite significant increases in student enrollment, state appropriations to the University of Nevada, Reno have been cut by 33% over the last two biennia. These draconian reductions have resulted in the loss of hundreds of faculty and staff positions, including layoffs to scores of tenured and tenure-track faculty. In addition, salaries to existing faculty have been cut, furloughs imposed, benefits eroded, and cost of living and merit increases eliminated. We now have fewer, yet more productive faculty who are serving more students but being paid less. While employee sacrifices have carried the University through a difficult financial period, the current system is unsustainable. Nevada is rapidly falling behind its regional competitors in terms of its capacity to attract and retain high quality faculty and staff. In this new global economy, never has a university education been more important, and never has the economic prosperity of our state been so closely tied to the strength of our system of higher education. NSHE can only be successful if faculty and staff are adequately compensated for their increasingly demanding responsibilities to educate our students and prepare them for successful careers as business leaders, entrepreneurs, engineers, health care professionals, scientists and teachers. The University of Nevada, Reno Faculty Senate therefore resolves that the restoration of pay cuts, the elimination of furloughs, and the reinstatement of merit pay be a top priority in budget negotiations with the 2013 Nevada Legislature.