1 Drama in the Social Studies Dr. Tonja L. Root Early Childhood & Reading Education Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698
2 What is Drama? teaching method that can be used in content areas to develop know- ledge & understanding of key concepts focus on environment in which students understand historical events & problems, & reflect on themes & topics more deeply
3 What is Drama? (cont.) Students make decisions about actions. Emphasis is on investigation of time period & historical accuracy of interpretations. Students generate feelings & meanings related to time & situations.
4 Theoretical Basis for Using Drama to Teach History: Developing Attitudes, Values & Perspective Taking Present students with dilemmas in story form involving characters with whom students can relate. Provide opportunities to discuss dilemmas & consider choices made & options available from both perspectives (eg. themselves & characters).
5 Theoretical Basis for Using Drama to Teach History: Developing Attitudes, Values & Perspective Taking (cont.) Provide opportunities to draw conclusions, to propose possible solutions, & to reflect on & discuss proposals. Provide opportunities to try out options & live through consequences of choices.
6 Theoretical Basis for Using Drama to Teach History: Offering Alternative Forms of Response to Content Drama allows students to use all 3 forms of representation as they express ideas & understanding of historical events: dramatic play, drawings & constructions, research & writing. Enactive-action Iconic-visual or other sensory systems Symbolic-written & spoken language
7 Theoretical Basis for Using Drama to Teach History: Interaction with Others Work with others during drama: creators, directors, decision makers, responders Share & celebrate works & reflect on own work Become involved with author’s thoughts & reflect on own point of view
8 Theoretical Basis for Using Drama to Teach History: Interaction with Others Allows students from different ethnic & economic backgrounds & achievement levels to work together in small groups: Decreases verbalizations of prejudices. Opportunities to use languages for different purposes & functions
9 Initiating Drama with Students: Preparatory Reflection Consider students’ interests, issues, topics Consider their own perspectives, talents, abilities Consider required curriculum & local sources Find others with drama expertise
10 Initiating Drama with Students: Investigating Resources Community resources University libraries Artifacts National resources