STORYPATHS/ SOCIAL STUDIES Jessica McKenzie. Storypath offers both a structure for organizing the social studies curriculum and an instructional strategy.


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Presentation transcript:


Storypath offers both a structure for organizing the social studies curriculum and an instructional strategy for teaching. The structure is a familiar one: the story children learn best when they are active participants in their own learning, and places students’ own efforts to understand Students feel strongly motivated and have meaningful and memorable learning What is Storypath ?

StoryPaths… The Storypath strategy uses the components of story--scene, character and plot--to organize curriculum into meaning and memorable learning experiences. It is more than reading a story, it is living the story guided by the teacher through an inquiry approach as learners create the scene, become the characters and solve the problems presented through the plot.

Why Storypaths? Children have background knowledge about lots of issues, often not heard about in the classroom build on that knowledge through activities such as questioning, investigating, and researching, new understandings are acquired Problem Solving= accountability in learning The story form integrates literacy skills to help children apply their learning in a meaningful context to gain a deeper, more complex understanding of major concepts When children construct their own knowledge and understanding of their world, their learning is more meaningful and memorable.

Story Path Structure Creating the Setting Students create the setting by completing a frieze (mural) or other visual representation of the place. Creating Characters Students create characters for the story whose roles they will play during subsequent episodes. Context Building Students are involved in activities that stimulate them to think more deeply about the people and place they have created.Literacy skills are applied in context as students read, write, speak, and listen to understand. Critical Incidents Characters confront problems typical of those faced by people of that time and place and use their new knowledge to communicate about the problem. Concluding Event Students plan and participate in an activity that brings closure to the story.

Each Storypath centers on a unique and engaging story that provides a concrete context to understanding the social science content These “stories” students understand because they develop a meaningful context and applying the literacy skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Examples of real classroom learning StoryPaths….

References: McGuire, M. (2009). Engaging Reluctant Learners Through Storypath Approach [PowerPoint slideds]. Retrieved from