BLOOD AND BODY DEFENCE Dr. Amel Eassawi Dr. Abdelrahman Mustafa 1
OBJECTIVES The student should be able to: Describe the composition of blood. Enumerate different plasma proteins. Explain the functions of plasma protein. Correlate the changes in plasma proteins with the clinical conditions. 3
BLOOD Represents about 8% of total body weight. Average volume: –5 liters in women. –5.5 liters in men. Composed of two parts: 1. Plasma (liquid portion of blood). Average normal volume: –58% in women. –55% in men. 2. Cellular elements. 4
3 Types of Specialized Cellular Elements: –Erythrocytes Red blood cells Important in O 2 transport –Leukocytes White blood cells Immune system’s mobile defense units –Thrombocytes Platelets (cell fragments) Important in hemostasis 6 Hematocrit or packed cell volume represents the percentage of Erythrocytes in the total blood volume. Average normal volume: - 42% in women - 45% in men
BLOOD Functions of Blood: 1. Transport: –Respiratory gases (O2 & CO2) –Nutrients –Metabolites –Hormones –Drugs –Enzymes 2. Defense against infection. 3. Maintenance of: –Body temperature. –Acid-Base balance. –Fluid-Electrolyte balance. 7
PLASMA ConstituentsExample Water Makes up 90% of plasma. Electrolytes Na +, K +, Cl -, HCO 3 – ProteinsAlbumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen CarbohydratesGlucose LipidsCholesterol, fatty acids MineralsCa 2+, PO 4 3- EnzymesAlkaline Phosphatase, Amylase MetabolitesBilirubin, Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine 8
PLASMA PROTEINS Plasma proteins: –Compose 6% to 8% of plasma’s total weight –3 groups of plasma proteins Albumins –Most abundant plasma proteins Globulins –3 subclasses »Alpha (α) »Beta (β) »Gamma (γ) Fibrinogen 9
PLASMA PROTEINS Plasma proteinAverage concentration Albumin4.8 g/100ml Globulins2.3 g/100ml Fibrinogen0.3 g/100ml Total7.4 g/100ml 10
PLASMA PROTEINS Plasma proteinFunction LipoproteinNutrients Alkaline Phosphatase, AmylaseEnzymes AngiotensinHormone γ - GlobulinAntibodies Fibrinogen, ProthrombinClotting factors Albumin, Ceruloplasmin, TransferrinCarriers Gasoline, Gc proteinScavengers 11
ALBUMIN Synthesized in liver gms each day and half life is 20 days. Exerts about 80-90% of the plasma colloid osmotic pressure. It forms about 60% of total plasma protein. Decrease in albumin (hypoalbuminaemia) result in fluid leaves the circulation causing edema (accumulation of fluid in the interstitial fluid). Causes of hypoalbuminaemia are: malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease. 12
GLOBULINS Subdivided into α 1, α 2, β and γ Alpha and beta globulins are synthesized in liver. γ- gamma globulins are synthesized in reticuloendothelial system by plasma cells. 13
FUNCTIONS OF PLASMA ConstituentFunctions Water (makes up 90% of plasma) Transport medium, carries heat ElectrolytesMembrane excitability; osmotic distribution of fluid between ECF and ICF; buffer pH changes Plasma proteinsIn general, exert an osmotic effect important in distribution of ECF between vascular and interstitial compartments; buffer pH changes AlbuminsContribute most to colloid osmotic pressure. Transport many substances such as bilirubin, bile salt and penicillin Alpha globulinsTransport water insoluble substances such as lipoproteins, lipids, hormones: cortisol binding globulin, thyroid binding globulin. Beta globulinsTransport lipids, cholesterol, iron and copper. Gamma globulinsAntibodies FibrinogenBlood Clotting, Blood Viscosity
REFERENCES Human Physiology, Lauralee Sherwood, seventh edition. Text book Physiology by Guyton &Hall,11 th edition. Text book of Physiology by Linda S. Contanzo, third edition. Physiology by Berne and Levy, sixth edition. 15