Network Design & Media Mag. Regina Leutgeb Sail for success with design!
Introduction of the Network Design & Media Goals, development, activities Design Stories Support programme creative handcraft: Bernhard Ebner (producer of concrete furniture) and Gerd Rosenauer (designer) Designer Rallye: Klaus Pühringer (carpenter) and Marek Gut (designer) Competition plastics & product design: the awardees Agenda
A sustainable design strategy is mandatory for successful positioning: all elements via which a company attains market visibility must share a uniform design language The network supports companies to implement strategic design and furthermore to achieve a sustainable implementation 2004: Start of the cross-sectorial network 2005: Self-contained department of Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH 2006: Initiative of the federal provinces Upper Austria and Salzburg 2007: Continuation and expansion of the cooperation with ITG Salzburg Goals and development of the network
Communication Designstrategy und -process Products and companies Events Awards and competitions Book recommendations etc. Website Online-Best-Practice-Database Creative Service Provider Overview Electronic Newsletter Information material Ongoing company interviews Activities of the network
Qualification Seminars, workshops, events DesignDialog with discussions Best-practice-forums with included plant visits Project support within cooperation projects Initiation of project groups at intercompany level considering design-oriented topics Support through the network in finding the right partners Development/implementation of funding possibilities Activities of the network
A craft enterprise together with an industrial designer develops an innovative product – starting from the idea until the maturity phase Goal: Opening up new customer – and market potential, increase of the market competition and the power of innovation of the company Funding by the federal province Upper Austria and the austria wirtschafts-service gesellschaft mbh Example: Bernhard Ebner (producer of concrete furniture) and Gerd Rosenauer Consultancy- and service fees, development costs and first marketing activities can be funded Subvention: 30% of the eligible costs Support program creative handcraft Bildrecht: viteo outdoor, Strass
Internal cooperation project of the Network Design & Media and the Furniture and Timber Construction Cluster Each couple (consisting of a carpenter and a designer) realized an innovative project free of charge Eight couples participated and developed an innovative, design- oriented product Example: Klaus Pühringer (carpenter) and Marek Gut (designer) Designer Rallye
Internal cooperation project together with the Plastics Cluster First time open call for tender for this competition Goal: to show which innovative products can be made out of plastics 26 submissions (25 x Austria and 1 x Switzerland) Evaluation criteria: functionality (40 %), innovation (30 %) and design/creativity (30 %) Competition plastics & product design
Upper Austria Mag. Regina Leutgeb Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH Hafenstraße 47-51, 4020 Linz Phone: , Fax: Mail: Salzburg Mag. Oliver Wagner Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH Südtiroler Platz 11, 5020 Salzburg Phone: , Fax: Mail: Contact
Thank you for your attention! The Network Design & Media is funded by the EU programme Regional Competitiveness (Regio 13) out of the European Regional Development Funds, as well as from own regional funds.