The Five Fields of Learning
The Five Fields of Learning Today we will be learning about the five fields of learning social studies. Social studies is a way to learn about the world. It draws on information from the five fields of learning. Each field looks at the world from a different angle.
What are the Five Fields of Learning? History Government Economics Culture Geography
History History is a record of the past The people and events of the past shaped the world as it is today. This timeline is an example of history, because it is a record of the past.
Government Government is the people and groups within a society that have the authority to make laws, to make sure they carried out, and to settle disagreements about them. Limited government is a government in which the powers of the leaders are limited. President Bush is an example of a leader who runs a limited government.
Government Unlimited Government-A government in which the leaders have almost absolute power. Ex:-Saddam Hussein is an example of leader who ran a unlimited government.
Government A citizen is a legal member of a country. Citizens have rights, such as the right to vote in elections, and duties, such as paying taxes. Being born in a country can make you a citizen. You can also move to another country and take part in the naturalization process. Example: This citizen voting in a election is an example of citizenship
Economics Economics is the study of how people manage their resources by producing, exchanging, and using goods and services. Scarcity describes the conflict between people’s desires and their limited resources. Ex: You want a double scoop of ice cream, but you only have enough money for one scoop. Your resources (money) are limited.
Culture Culture consists of the beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living that a group of people share. Culture traits are the food, clothing, technology, beliefs, language, and tools that the people of a culture share. Mexican food and Japanese children dressed in traditional Japanese clothing are examples of culture.
Geography Geography is the study of people, places, and the environment. This picture of North America is an example of Geography.
The Five Fields of Learning A record of the past History The study of people, places, and the environment Geography Economics The study of the ways in which people produce and exchange goods. Government The people and groups of people that have the power to make laws and see that they are obeyed The beliefs, customs, and ways of living that a group of people share. Culture
Now that we have learned about the five fields of learning Social Studies, let’s see how History, Government, Economics, Culture, and Geography relate to us personally!