I think that I have improved a big amount this year, not even just from last year, but also from the beginning of the year. I remember my first test this year, I didn’t do that great on, but after that, I made sure that I studied extra hard, and I have been doing great since then. My favorite unit that we have done so far is probably unit seven. In unit seven, we learn about the three colonial regions. The New England colonies, the middle colonies and the southern colonies. I like this unit because it is a fun unit. The fun part about this unit is that we each got assigned a colony and got to make a billboard for it. We worked with some other people in our class. My group was me, Emma B., Adam and Rudy. Our colony that we got assigned was Pennsylvania. We mad a digital billboard. We used a power point and used the different tools on there to make a cool billboard. We were supposed to come up with a slogan and three catchy phrases. Our slogan was…… Here, I’ll just show you the billboard! I hope you like it!
Here is our billboard!!!!!!! I hope you liked our billboard! The billboard is what made unit seven my favorite unit. I have really enjoyed social studies this year and I hope to continue to enjoy social studies this year.
This is our lesson for today. There is a website that we use to practice for social studies. On the website, there is a link to a game called Cosmic Squares. You will play that for your lesson today. Have fun! Cosmic Squares