Promoting skills for safety and health in the schools and community
The issues Concern about health and safety in schools Strategic approach to safety issues Building capacities within school community
Concern about health and safety in schools Multicultural environment-social awareness Expectations for secure and healthy schools Influential Media culture Increased responsibilies for educational authorities Facilities planning and development
Strategic approach to health and safety in schools Development of viable and realistic plans Active involvement of school community Wider community participation Promotion of pupils skills Continuous assessment and flexibility Networking- dissemination Mainstreaming
Building capacities within school community Teachers training Pupils active involvement Safe environment culture New technology and networking Help the community projects Peer education
Safe schoolProject Healthy Cities and Healthy schools background Assessment of risk factors in schools Evaluation of views and perceptions by students and teachers Development of safe school partnerships Working together for good practice models Share experiences and networking Promote continuity and dissemination
Final thoughts Consider challenges to improve health and security in schools Adopt strategic methodologies Involve whole community Promote mainstreaming