CHAPTER 2 SOCIAL STUDIES REVIEW GAME Tricky Taboo Name that Community Name that Landform
TRICKY TABOO ROUND 1 Region Mountain Valley Physical geography
TRICKY TABOO ROUND 2 Peninsula Ocean Natural resources Cardinal directions
TRICKY TABOO ROUND 3 Climate Lake Physical features Island
TRICKY TABOO ROUND 4 Physical geography Weather Desert Bay
NAME THAT COMMUNITY For each question, write R for Roseburg, Oregon, LC for Las Cruces, New Mexico, or G for Gloucester, Massachusetts. The questions may be answered with one, two or all three communities. Which community is closest to Warrington, Pennsylvania? Gloucester, Massachusetts Which community is along the Atlantic Ocean? Gloucester, Massachusetts Which community is southwest of us? Which community is in the northwest region? Roseburg, Oregon Which community is near mountains? Roseburg, Oregon, Las Cruces, New Mexico Which community is in the desert? Las Cruces, New Mexico
NAME THAT LANDFORM WHICH LANDFORM IS: The land along the edge of an ocean? coast one of the earth’s four largest bodies of water? ocean Part of an ocean that cuts into the land? bay Part of land surrounded by water on three sides? peninsula The low-lying area between mountains? valley A flat, open area with lots of grasses rather than trees? plain Rocky land that is high in elevation? mountain Moving water that flows downhill? river