Blended Learning December 10, 2014
Blended Learning Webpage 1.Go to the Mayfield Schools website 2.Hover over Staff button 3.Click on Technology Integration link 4.Click on Blended Learning Resources link on left
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Blended Learning in 2 Minutes and 38 Seconds
What is blended learning? A student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace.
Benefits of Blended Learning Instruction student-centered Relevant Work collaboratively Engagement Pacing Student choice
What Blended Learning is Not Replacement for staff Replacement for good instructional practice Substitution of one tool for another
Face-to-face instruction + Discovery Ed Techbook Blended Learning What is a Discovery Ed Techbook? Example of BL in Mayfield
Science and Social Studies Techbooks Grades 6-8 Interactive online textbooks with model lessons and activity guides Use a variety of learning materials: text, audio, video, images, and digital investigations Assignments can be individualized Assignments can be completed at home or at school
Techbooks 6 th Grade Science Techbook8 th Grade Social Studies Techbook
Typical Online Resources
Interactive Tools and Resources Exploration
Student Screens
Face-to-face instruction + Discovery Ed Techbook Blended Learning Small group differentiated instruction Differentiation of assignments Students have some control over time, place, path, pace
Portals for Blended Learning They provide access to information and tools. Online textbook (e.g., Discovery Ed) Teacher website Learning Management System (LMS)
What is an LMS? Robust software that provides an online portal for delivering and managing a course Teacher can post learning materials, assignments, tests and quizzes, announcements and reminders In addition to using learning materials and submitting assignments online, students can participate in online discussions/debates and perform group research
Moving Forward with Blended Learning What the future holds… Student Addresses Have a plan for purchasing, maintaining, and replacement of devices Utilize a Learning Management System (LMS) Train Teachers Implement devices with students
Online Discussion Why do you feel the blended learning model aids “every student, every day?”