Social Studies Professional Learning Community Workshop July 28- August Good Morning, From 8 – 8:15 please check district from Nick and make sure you have created both a Twitter and Edmodo accounts
PLC Norms 1.We will maintain a positive tone at our workshops 2.We will not complain about a problem unless we are offering a solution 3.We will begin and end our meetings on time and stay fully engaged throughout each meeting 4.We will contribute equally to the team workload 5.We will listen respectfully and consider matters from another’s perspective
What is a professional Learning Community? Please number paragraphs in the article What Is a Professional Learning Community? By Richard DuFour Partner with one other person read paragraphs 1-3
“Say Something” With your partner, decide who will say something first. When you say something, do one or more of the following: Make a prediction I think that… I wonder if… Ask a question Why did… What does ____ mean? Make a comment This is important because… This is interesting because… Make a connection This reminds me of…. Clarify something What I think this means is ….
PLC Goals 1.Produce materials and lessons that are tailored and relevant to the student population in which you work 2.Create materials and lessons which align with new frameworks and resources 3.Teacher’s plan and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of effective pedagogy. 4.Continue Professional Learning Community Meet throughout school year - discuss implementation of your work - assess, and make adjustments to your products - make future plans - Foster growth of teacher leaders 1.Present your work at Saturday Academy 2.Materials will be shared with peers via SCSD Website
PLC Essential Questions 1.What do we want each student to learn? 2.How will we know when each student has learned it? 3.How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning? 4.What do we do if they already know it? - Richard DuFour
Accountability 120 hours 4 hours in building 2 at home Weekly Goals and collaboration Rubrics can be found on Edmodo under documents Final Projects Presentations week 4 August 21 and 22 (8/ 1 IZONE) Rubrics found on Edmodo Present your projects at Saturday academy Share your projects with the district via website Evaluate your usage of the materials created in this PLC mid year
Week 1 Need to Knows and Resources
SCSD, NYS and National Social Studies goals
Goal Setting Take 5 minutes to and create 1 student centered goal for the upcoming school year.
SMART Goals SMART goals: Goals that are Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Resultsoriented, and Timebound (ONeill & Conzemius, 2006) Tips for Establishing Team SMART Goals: 1. Ensure your teams’ goal is aligned with the broader, overarching schoolwide goal(s). 2. Clarify the level of achievement students were able to attain in the previous year (for example, 86% achieved the target proficiency score on the district reading assessment, or 94% earned the grade of C or higher in our course). 3. Using the Student Achievement SMART GoalSetting Worksheet on the following page, set a SMART Goal that challenges your team to improve upon last year’s performance.
Was your goal a SMART Goal? Use rubric to determine if your goal was a SMART goal Rewrite goal into SMART Format