Mostly made of nitrogen gas & oxygen gas
Gases that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation Water vapour Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Ozone CFCs
Source: adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere Sink: absorbs greenhouse gases from the atmosphere Natural or caused by human activities
Natural sources include volcanic eruptions & cellular respiration
Produced naturally by nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Ozone (O 3 ) is located in the stratosphere & makes up the ozone layer which blocks harmful UV radiation Ozone hole in Antarctic Ground-level ozone forms smog
Leading cause of ozone depletion in the ozone layer
Human activities have significantly increased levels of greenhouse gases since 1750
Increase in global average temperatures
Ability of a substance to warm the atmosphere by absorbing thermal energy The contribution of a particular gas to global warming depends on: the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere the ability of the gas to absorb heat the length of time the gas remains in the atmosphere
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