Grateful Shred Day Wednesday, July 22 City of Oregon City
Grateful Shred Day What Is It? City Hall and other City locations will be closed this day for all regular public business (with the exception of public safety and emergencies). All employees will work with department record liaisons to identify paper records that can be: Recycled (non-confidential) or, Shredded (confidential, exempt from disclosure) Employees will be provided with all necessary guidance in preparation for this process
Grateful Shred Day What Is It? Records that have “permanent” or long term retention value will be identified and boxed up for off-site storage. All employees will work with department record liaisons to identify and electronic records that can be: Deleted or, Moved to other designated network storage
Why Are We Doing This? Better utilization of space at City Hall and other City locations. More easily identify public records we do need to keep in City buildings. Lowers our legal risks by destroying records past their retention requirements. Reduce server/network space needed for storage. Improve Outlook performance.
What Exactly Are We Destroying? Paper records Paper records: Records past retention (guidance will be provided) Drafts of documents not needed Paper documents that cannot be identified* Out of date reference materials, publications, catalogs, etc *These should be reviewed by the department head before destroying*
What Exactly Are We Destroying? What to recycle: are not Public records past retention that are not exempt from disclosure (not confidential) Drafts and copies of the same Reference materials, old catalogs, brochures and publications, etc. What to shred: are Public records past retention that are exempt from disclosure (confidential) These are listed in ORS & 502 *If you are not sure in either case, ask your record liaison, department director or City Recorder for assistance. When in doubt, do not recycle
What Exactly Are We Destroying? past retention (guidance will be provided) Drafts of documents and draft messages not needed Transitory messages (e.g- the meeting is tomorrow…) Personal messages Junk Electronic Records Electronic Records: Electronic records past retention (guidance will be provided)
Grateful Shred Day Review of disposition options –Shred – in office using appropriate shredding bins, for transitory records with confidential info –Recycle –Archives Disposition logs (Destruction forms) Compliance and certification
E Records Initiative Objective: Educate employees of the necessity to manage messages Encourage storage of records in Outlook; Move records back into Outlook or place in document management system Dispose of outdated transitory records Consider the State’s HP TRIM Electronic Records Management System
Mailbox Size Reduction Options Delete transitory messages Delete messages older than retention requirements Move messages -Shared departmental folder -Managed storage (Outlook)
E Records - Departments Records Liaisons will: Work with users to understand record keeping requirements Educate users to identify records and non- records, role of convenience copies Work to ensure that records are maintained as required on Retention Schedule Employees will: Review messages and move “active” business records to appropriate folders in Outlook
Questions? Contact the City Recorder Thank you.