A revised model Child and Family Centre June DSB Special Needs Resourcing
Service Model - Goals The goals are: To support children with special needs by developing capacity in day cares To improve access to consultation To improve access to services from other service providers To facilitate the transition of children with special needs across service systems To explore the development of data collection and information system
Proposed Enhancements One new SNR worker to cover the Sudbury- Manitoulin and Sudbury-East region (bringing staffing complement to 2.34 FT) Enhanced funding at last year’s utilization levels but with new rates (actual rate) to day care providers New funds for specialized equipment
Features of the New Model To develop capacity we propose that a PFT Day Care Worker is attached to the child with SN while the position is backfilled with a casual or temporary Day Care Worker (may vary by Day Care) The SNR Worker provides consultation, guidance and support to the Day Care staff attached to the child with special needs. The SNR Worker provides a parenting program in a group format
System Collaborative The Agency enters into discussion with community agencies to develop partnerships on consultation to children and care providers: CTC (physical), Wordplay (language), CCR (ASD) and CFC (MH), ICDS (development) Where needed and feasible, the SNR Worker facilitates access to additional professional services
Data Collection CFC will look at the feasibility of developing a data information system to improve tracking of children with SN By day care By region Demographics Service requirements and Service outcomes
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