Status Brussels GANTRY Ê Recovered from the Gantry PC crash during Pilot Run R6 4 same situation as before the Pilot Run is achieved for R6 Ë Comparison of modules measured in Aachen and Brussels 4 completely independent measurements (test of Gantry !!) 4 large differences partially understood (calibration & pin positions) Ì Position of reference markers on assembly plate Í Hard-ware adaptations for the assembly plate Î Plans for the near and further future O.Bouhali, J.D’Hondt, L.Van Lancker CMS week – December 2003
Comparison modules measured in Aachen and Brussels Ê Pilot run modules R6 were re-measured in Aachen ï large differences between nominal and measured marker positions on average of ~30-40 m (with extremes up to 150 m) ï not observed in Brussels 4 independent measurements test of Gantry precision 4 try to understand the difference calibration plates ï calibration plates pin positions ï pin positions
Comparison modules measured in Aachen and Brussels Brussels Aachen Sensor 1 Sensor 2 only plate R6.1 plate R6.1 and R6.2
Comparison modules measured in Aachen and Brussels Ê Pilot run modules R6 were re-measured in Aachen ï large differences between nominal and measured marker positions on average of ~30-40 m (with extremes up to 150 m) ï not observed in Brussels 4 independent measurements test of Gantry precision 4 try to understand the difference calibration plates ï calibration plates pin positions ï pin positions Ë The shifts from the nominal marker positions measured in Aachen are different for position 1 and 2 on plate R6.1 Ì On the Gantry modules were measured in the 3 positions… differences were observed also at the level of ~20 m at the level of ~20 m
Pin positions on assembly plate Mod1Mod2 Mod3 Supply plate ++ Assembly plate good module input true Far from the pins the shift should be larger … exactly what we observe ~21cm ~7cm
Reference markers on the assembly plate The calibration plate from Karlsruhe doesn’t cover the full Gantry plate … Bari plate is even smaller (comparison between both plates will be made) … Mod1Mod2 Mod3 ++ Frame ref. Pin Ass. Ref. mark R6 situation
Reference markers on the assembly plate The calibration plate from Karlsruhe doesn’t cover the full Gantry plate Mod1Mod2 Mod3 ++ R5 situation Frame ref. Pin Ass. Ref. mark
Reference markers on the assembly plate Solved by using another reference marker in the calibration region … it has been tested and it works with a significant improvement … Mod1Mod2 Mod3 ++ Frame ref. Pin Ass. Ref. mark R6 situation + new
Hard-ware adaptations for the assembly plates frame level capton level sensor level 900 m 700 m Ê The thickness of the carbon frames isn’t invariant 4 this and the capton level could induce vaccuum problems (if frame is to thick) Ë Thick frames will not be used, until thin ones are used Ì We will use special paper (with vaccuum holes) to increase the sensor level after having used all thin frames CF level height 40 m R6 / R5 R3
Outlook for the near future Ê Test the use of the stiffeners when plate (R6) comes back from Aachen (then all other plates for same modifications) from Aachen (then all other plates for same modifications) Ë Re-calibrate Gantry and measure pin positions (all R6 plates) Ì Assemble three R6 modules with the remaining three hybrids ( final test of the Gantry precision ) ( final test of the Gantry precision ) Í With the experience accumulated with R6 plates we can define the assembly parameters for R5 plates define the assembly parameters for R5 plates Î Issues : pick-up tool, pin positions, reference markers, …
Outlook for the further future (January) Ê Start full production of R6 modules when hybrids arrive 4 max. 6 modules/day (only 2 plates) 4 before arrival of hybrids we will only use one R6 plate Ë Pilot run for R5N and R5S 4 when parameters are modified and tested (dry assembly) Ì Start full production of R5 modules Í Determine the parameters for the R3 assembly plates è able to produce R6 and R5 modules when hybrids arrive somewhere late January somewhere late January 4 nominally 6 modules for R6 / day 4 nominally 6 modules for R5(S or N) / day è hence in total 4 plates / day ( ≡ nominal proposal )