Microsoft Office 2013 ®® PowerPoint Tutorial 1 Creating a Presentation
XP Objectives Plan and create a new presentation Create a title slide and slides with lists Edit and format text Move and copy text Convert a list to a SmartArt diagram Duplicate, rearrange, and delete slides Close a presentation New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20132
XP Objectives Open an existing presentation Change the theme and theme variant Insert and crop photos Modify photo compression options Resize and move objects Create speaker notes Check the spelling Run a slide show Print slides, handouts, speaker notes, and the outline New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20133
XP The PowerPoint Window New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20134
XP Starting PowerPoint and Creating a New Presentation PowerPoint is a computer program that you use to create a collection of slides that can contain text, charts, pictures, sounds, movies, multimedia, and so on Display the Windows Start screen, if necessary Click the PowerPoint 2013 tile New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20135
XP Starting PowerPoint and Creating a New Presentation New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20136
XP Working in Touch Mode In Touch Mode the ribbon increases in height so that there is more space around each button on the ribbon, making it easier to use your finger to tap the specific button you need On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button On the menu, click Touch/Mouse Mode New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20137
XP Working in Touch Mode New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20138
XP Creating a Title Slide The title slide is the first slide in a presentation New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint 20139
XP Saving and Editing a Presentation On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Save button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Saving and Editing a Presentation New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Saving and Editing a Presentation you mistype or misspell a word, you might not need to correct it because the AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects many commonly mistyped and misspelled words after you press the spacebar or the Enter key New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Saving and Editing a Presentation New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Adding New Slides Make sure the HOME tab is displayed on the ribbon In the Slides group, click the New Slide button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Creating Lists A bulleted list is a list of items with some type of bullet symbol in front of each item or paragraph – First-level item – Second-level item Subitem If you add more text than will fit in the text box with the default font sizes and line spacing, AutoFit adjusts these features to make the text fit New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Creating Lists A numbered list is similar to a bulleted list except that numbers appear in front of each item instead of bullet symbols New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Creating Lists An unnumbered list is a list that does not have bullets or numbers preceding each item New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Formatting Text To apply a format to text, either the text or the text box must be selected – Mini toolbar – Live Preview New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Moving and Copying Text The Clipboard is a temporary storage area available to all Windows programs on which text or objects are stored when you cut or copy them To copy and paste text, select the text, and then on the HOME tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button Click the desired location to paste the text, and in the Clipboard group, click the Paste button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Converting a Bulleted List into a SmartArt Diagram Click anywhere in the bulleted list In the Paragraph group on the HOME tab, click the Convert to SmartArt Graphic button, and then click More SmartArt Graphics In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, select the desired SmartArt type in the list on the left In the center pane, click the SmartArt diagram you want to use Click the OK button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Converting a Bulleted List into a SmartArt Diagram New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Manipulating Slides New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Closing a Presentation On the ribbon, click the FILE tab In the navigation bar, click Close New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Slide Show and Presenter Views New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Changing the Theme and the Theme Variant A theme is a coordinated set of colors, fonts, backgrounds, and effects A theme and its variants are called a theme family New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Changing the Theme and the Theme Variant New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Working with Photos Content placeholders contain buttons that you can use to insert things other than a list, including photos stored on your hard drive, a network drive, a USB drive, an SD card from a digital camera, or any other medium to which you have access You can also use the Picture button in the Images group on the INSERT tab to add photos to slides New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Working with Photos New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Cropping Photos Cropping is cutting out the parts of a photo you do not want to include New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Modifying Photo Compression Options When you save a presentation that contains photos, PowerPoint automatically compresses the photos to a resolution of 220 pixels per inch (ppi) New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Modifying Photo Compression Settings and Removing Cropped Areas After all photos have been added to the presentation file, click any photo in the presentation to select it Click the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab. In the Adjust group, click the Compress Pictures button Click the option button next to the resolution you want to use New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Modifying Photo Compression Settings and Removing Cropped Areas To apply the new compression settings to all the photos in the presentation, click the Apply only to this picture check box to deselect it To keep cropped areas of photos, click the Delete cropped area of pictures check box to deselect it Click the OK button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Resizing and Moving Pictures New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Checking Spelling Click the REVIEW tab, and then in the Proofing group, click the Spelling button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Using Reading View Click the Reading View button on the status bar New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Printing a Presentation Click the FILE tab to display Backstage view, and then click Print in the navigation bar New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
XP Exiting PowerPoint In the upper-right corner of the program window, click the Close button New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint