At its _______________ point, the Great Wall of China is about 12 meters high. The _____________ parts of the Great Wall of China are more than 2000 years old. The Great Wall of China is the world’s __________________ wall. The 747 Jumbo jet was the world’s ______________ passenger jet for many years. A Ferrari was ________ ___________ successful car in the 2005 F1 season. The Epson FR II, which weighs only 12.3 g, is the world’s ____________ flying robot. The world’s ____________ photo is 32 feet high and 111 feet wide.
At its highest point, the Great Wall of China is about 12 meters high. The oldest parts of the Great Wall of China are more than 2000 years old. The Great Wall of China is the world’s longest wall. The 747 Jumbo jet was the world’s largest passenger jet for many years. A Ferrari was the most successful car in the 2005 F1 season. The Epson FR II, which weighs only 12.3 g, is the world’s lightest flying robot. The world’s biggest photo is 32 feet high and 111 feet wide.
How do we describe what the arrows represent? The box is 3cm _____ 3 cm
How do we describe what the arrows represent? The box is 3cm wide The box is 3cm high The box is 3cm long 3 cm
We could also say: The box is 3cm thick The box is 3cm deep 3 cm
Or, if we use a noun: The box has a width or thickness of 3cm The box has a height or depth of 3cm The box has a length of 3cm. 3 cm
Longeur – x long; length of x Largeur - x wide; width of x Epaisseur – x thick; thickness of x Hauteur – x high; height of x Profondeur – x deep; depth of x We can also say ‘Its length, width, etc is x.’
The box/cube measures 3 by 3 by 3. 3 cm
The circle’s radius is x, the diameter is y and the circumference is z. radius diameter circum ference
Poids – weight Peser – weigh He weighs 13.5 stone. Volume – volume!
I am 61.8 mm wide. I am mm long. I am 15.7 mm thick. I am a rectangle. I am white. I have one circular button. The button’s radius is mm. Inside the big circle there is a smaller circular button. Its radius is 14.5 mm.
I am an iPod!
I move at 107,320 kph. I weigh 5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons. My circumference is about 40,075 km. My total surface area is 510,072,000 square km.
I am the Earth!