Sindh Coal Fields
Thar Geology Geology of Thar is very simple with a general strata dip of ~2° (Horizontal) Ran of Kutch fault is the only nearby bigger fault to the Area Thar Lignite deposit the largest in the World
Thar Coal Potential Thar Coal Field has a huge Coal Potential Exploration activities have been carried out in 11 Blocks More than 600 Exploratory Drillholes from 1995
Thar Geology Overburden : – Thickness : 130 m to 150 m – Composition : Sand, Siltstone & Clayey Siltstone Coal : – Number of main Coal Seams : 3 – Main Minable Coal Seam : Approx. 70% of Total coal thickness – Cumulative Coal Seam thickness : 30m - 35m Slope Stability : – Safety Factor : 1.3 Hydrogeology : – Number of Aquifers : 3 – Aquifers are separated by Aquitard of Claystone – The recharge from De-watering is not unlimited and can be controlled – Water quality : High TDS ( ppm)
Thar Coal Quality Lignite quality for Thar Coal is suitable for Power generation
Thar Sulphur Content !
Mining Options for Thar Coal Field 1.Open Pit Coal Mining 2.Underground Coal Mining Thar Strata (Overburden) is composed soft deposits. No hard material,no explosives necessary Open Pit Coal Mining is the best option for Thar Lignite Shovel & Truck as Main Mining Equipments have been proposed. Bucket Wheel Excavators may be an option for future enhanced production
Typical Mine Planning for Thar Key parameters ‐Total number of Coal Seam 3 ‐Main Minable Coal Seam Coal Seam 2-7 ‐Mining Technology Shovel & Truck ‐Number of benches 15 ‐Bench height 13 m ‐Bench Width 20 m ‐Mine Depth 195 m
Typical Mine Plan with Outside Dump Variant Outside Dump Mine advancement A A’ Open pit advancement 10
Mine Cross-Section
‐Thar can be compared to many operating Open Pit Mines of the World ‐Stripping Ratio and Heating Value of Thar Block II is feasible for successful Mine Operation (e.g. Hambach Mine- Germany, producing ~40 Mt/a lignite successfully ) Thar & other Mines in World DepositMining Ratio (m³ : t) Heating Value (MJ/kg) Thar6.61 : (5000 Btu/lb) Kosovo 1 : (3350 Btu/lb) Rhenish Area 4.9 : (3830 Btu/lb) Hambach 6.3 : (4510 Btu/lb) Hungary 9 : (3050 Btu/lb)
Thar Open Pit Mine vs. Europe Mines Hambach-Inden-Garzweiler-Ptolemais (Large Scale Mines > 20 Mt/a ), Thar ?
Why Thar ? Why Thar Coal should be mined 1.Large deposit can provide fuel for power generation 5000 MW at least 2.High and constant lignite quality; one of the best lignite in the world 3.Domestic fuel. Independence from imports 4.Creation of 4000 direct jobs and indirect jobs only for phase I (1200 MW power generation at least for 50 years) 5.Competitive cost through other fuels like imported hard coal 6.Fossil fuels will continue their dominance accounting for 65% of all the electricity generated in the world, with coal dominating at 44% 7.Pakistan could meet the above mentioned world target having Thar as the largest lignite deposit Case Study Block II for power generation
Pakistan Power Generation Fuel Mix with Thar
Aquifer Situation Dune Sand Aquifer Sub-Recent Aquifer Coal seam floor Aquifer 50m 120 m 180m
Shovel Mine (-115m AMSL ) Conveyor Belt WTS Shovel Mine (-115m AMSL ) Outside Dump (+180 m AMSL ) Inside Dump Selected Equipment Variants - Overburden S/T Variant ( Variant 1) IC- Spreader Variant (Variant 2) Spreader AMSL- Above Mean Sea Level
Shovel Mine (-115m AMSL ) Selected Equipment Variants- Lignite Crusher Conveyor Belt Stockyard (+80 AMSL )
Lignite Industry in Greece (PPC. SA)
The quality of Greek lignite varies highly both within and across mines Heating value ranges from 4390 to 9610 MJ/ton Lignite Industry in Greece Lignite Industry in Greece
22 Lignite Industry in Greece Lignite Production in Public Power Corporation mines 1958 – 2005 (Million tons)
23 Lignite Industry in Greece Lignite Industry in Greece Total masses excavated in Public Power Corporation Mines 1958 – 2005 (Million Cu. meter)