Source Water Protection Management Strategies for Source Water Protection Plan’s Implementation Contact Information: Lisa Vollbrecht City of St. Cloud
UMRSWPP Upper Mississippi River Source Water Protection Project CFMS# A89128 Clean Water Partnership Grant A partnership with Cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul and St. Cloud, Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Rural Water Association, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Health to protect drinking water taken from the upper Mississippi River.
City of St. Cloud’s Source Water Protection Area
Management Strategies for Implementation Overview of Management Strategies SWP Education & Awareness Management PracticesSWP Education & Awareness Management Practices Urban Stormwater Management PracticesUrban Stormwater Management Practices Agricultural Management PracticesAgricultural Management Practices Transportation Corridor & Spills Management PracticesTransportation Corridor & Spills Management Practices Commercial & Industrial Management PracticesCommercial & Industrial Management Practices Well & Individual Sewage Treatment System (ISTS) Management PracticesWell & Individual Sewage Treatment System (ISTS) Management Practices Data Collection & Analysis Management PracticesData Collection & Analysis Management Practices
Management Strategies for Implementation SWP Education & Awareness Management Practices Create a public awareness campaign involving the SWP Area and protection of the drinking water resource.
Management Strategies for Implementation Urban Stormwater Management Practices Reduce sediment from streambank erosion. Educate landowners of potential impacts of turf management practices. Work to eliminate known impairments. Develop working relationships with communities regarding stormwater management. Promote proper disposal of household hazardous waste.
Management Strategies for Implementation Agricultural Management Practices Inventory feedlots in protection areas. Promote education regarding turf management. Reduce agricultural chemical usage through education.
Management Strategies for Implementation Transportation Corridor & Spills Management Practices Develop an early warning system for an eight-hour time of travel. Update the data base, spill response training and equipment on the Mississippi River.
Management Strategies for Implementation Commercial & Industrial Management Practices Educate above and below ground tank owners. Promote proper disposal of commercial hazardous waste. Monitor/educate dump sites and salvage yards.
Management Strategies for Implementation Well & ISTS Management Practices Assess impact of wells on surficial drinking water supplies. Assess impact of ISTS on surficial drinking water supplies.
Management Strategies for Implementation Data Collection & Analysis Management Practices Inventory potential contaminants of concern. Calculate time of travel on the South Fork Crow River. Create a surficial geology/sedimentation potential map of South Fork Crow River. Determine a methodology on the measurement of ground water gains/losses on the Mississippi River.
Questions on Management Strategies? SWP Education & Awareness Management Practices Urban Stormwater Management Practices Agricultural Management Practices Transportation Corridor/Spills Management Practices Commercial/Industrial Management Practices Well/Individual Sewage Treatment System (ISTS) Management Practices Data Collection/Analysis Management Practices