Characteristic MOKE Loops for S320 Strong signals up to 320 K (upper limit of the measurements) Nearly square loops at high temperatures Low saturation fields and low coercivity at high T consistent with thick films Loops exhibit qualitative change below ~150 K, where they show characteristic dependence on sweep direction of the field
Temperature Dependence for S320 Bulk like transition temperature (~ 350 K) Broad max/plateau around 260 K suggests reorientation, consistent with thick epitaxial films grown on STO Remanent MOKE signals exhibit dependence on field direction below 150 K, corresponding to the qualitative change in the shape of the loops The low temperature behavior is consistent with a change of anisotropy and the presence of quadratic MOKE effect Arrows indicate the loops shown in previous slide
Temperature Dependence for S320
Characteristic MOKE Loops for S311 No longitudinal MOKE signal above ~ 170 K Nearly square loops with large coercivity below ~ 150 K Kerr rotation signal does not show monotonic increase as temperature decreases, whereas ellipticity and H co counterparts do Behavior qualitatively different from sample 320
Temperature Dependence for S311 Significantly suppressed transition temperature (did not do polar MOKE to check for perpendicular anisotropy) Coercivity significantly larger than S320 (thick LSMO film without a layer of BTO) Suppressed signals and transition temperature suggest strong influence by the presence of BTO and possibly low film thickness Arrows indicate the loops shown in previous slide