European Commission Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
3 CIP: Three Programmes in one SMEs*, eco-innovation ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP) Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programme (EIP) * The new EU SME definition: see slide number 26
4 HOW THE CIP WORKS? The three sub-programmes: –collaborate but they are independent; –are managed by different Commission Departments (DGs); –have an independent management committee that consists of representatives of all the participating countries; –annual priorities and actions are describe in the respective work programme; –publish their calls for tenders and calls for proposal in the CIP Portal.
5 CIP Budget (in € Million) From 2007 to 2013: € 3.621
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) 1st pillar- EIP
7 1st pillar: The EIP Objectives –Access to finance –Cross border cooperation –Innovation (including eco-innovation) –Entrepreneurship –Business and Innovation Support Services Instruments –Financial instruments –Network of Business and Innovation support centers –Innovation projects –Policy analyses, development and coordination Budget : € 2.17 billion for the overall period of
8 Financial Instruments Bank Venture capital Fund EU budget SMEs Invests Lends Provides funds Guarantee Society Co-Guarantees
9 Financial Instruments Leverage
10 Business and innovation support services 600 partner organisations in more than 40 countries Proximity, full geographical coverage, extension beyond EU Free-of-charge services: Information on EU legislation and policies on EU funding opportunities Assistance to find a business partner for cooperation or technology transfer to achieve internationalisation to foster innovation to participate in EU funding programmes Feedback to the Commission (listening to enterprises)
11 Other measures to support innovation Objectives –Encourage trans-national networking of innovative companies and other actors in the innovation process, including benchmarking initiatives and the exchange of best practice –Support the first applications and market uptake of innovative technologies and practices Instruments: –Europe Innova –Pro Inno Europe –Pilot and Market Replication Projects –IPR Awareness and Enforcement Project Innovation projects
12 Other measures to support innovation Other measures to support innovation A number of conferences can be organised to: assemble and publicise sectoral knowledge, inform and support policy-makers, and make policy suggestions to increase the coherence and cooperation between EU Member States. The EIP funds studies to support policy-makers: The latest trends and developments in certain sectors - as well as European and global markets- will be analysed and the results will be disseminated. Policy analyses, development and coordination
13 Other measures to support innovation Objectives –Innovative products, services, clean technologies developed by or for SMEs –Environmental management, eco-design, eco-labelling –Eco-innovation networks and clusters Instruments: –Financial Instruments –Pilot and Market Replication Projects –Policy analysis and promotion actions Support to Eco-Innovation
Information Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP) 2nd pillar- 2nd pillar- ICT PSP
15 2nd pillar: The IST PSP Objectives –The single European information space –Innovation through the wider adoption of and investment in ICT –An inclusive information society, more efficient and effective services in areas of public interest and improved quality of life Instruments –Pilot projects –Thematic Networks –Support measures Budget : € 730 million for the overall period of
16 Three main objectives The single European information space –seamless access to electronic services; support to digital content; monitoring the European Information Society Innovation through the wider uptake of ICT –uptake of ICT in processes, products and services; facilitating public and private interaction, promotion and awareness raising An inclusive information society, more efficient and effective services in areas of public interest and improved quality of life –improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of ICT- based services in areas of public interest; benefits to all citizens
17 Instruments Pilot projects show casing and validating at real scale innovative ICT based services Thematic Networks experience sharing; consensus building, common strategy and roadmap, awareness raising call for proposals Support measures Benchmarking, policy development and coordination, studies, awareness raising and communication call for tenders
18 Who can participate Who can participate ? The programme is open to all legal entities established in the EU Member States and in EEA countries Legal entities established outside the EU may participate on equal terms with Member States on the basis of and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements Specific requirements are defined in the work programme for its different supported actions Entities from non associated third countries may participate on a case-by-case basis but they do not receive any funding
Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) 3rd pillar- IEE
20 3rd pillar - IEE Objectives: –Energy efficiency & rational use of resources (SAVE) –New & renewable energy sources (ALTENER) –Energy efficiency and new and renewable energy sources in transport (STEER) Instruments: –Promotion and dissemination projects –Pilot and Market Replication Projects
21 INTELLIGENT ENERGY - EUROPE Creates the policy and market conditions for energy efficiency and renewables Supports uptake of state of the art technologies Exchange between different actors creates innovation from diversity A catalyst for innovation and new market opportunities
22 3 MAIN FIELDS Energy efficiency and rational energy use New and renewable energy sources Energy in transport
23 € 730 MILLION 400+ PROJECTS TO DATE Transport Buildings Developing countries Biofuels Renewable energy Products Industry
24 Further Information on CIP Through the central CIP website you can: Access the specialized websites of the three pillars Obtain information about grants and calls for tenders Stay updated on the latest CIP news, events and publications Read the work programs of each pillar Find a Euro info center near you Learn about third country participation Obtain other useful information