Miranda Creed-Miles (Biology / Geology) Sean Moore (Physics) PGCE Secondary Science University of Reading It does what it says on the tin!!!!!
Two deliverables..... A FDP project to develop a KS 3/4/5 teaching resource based around collecting and sorting youTube video clips A website which indexes and links to the original videos on youTube in situ A DVD with the same structure with all the clips downloaded and converted to an appropriate format
The Website: sciencevideobank.wikispaces.com sciencevideobank.wikispaces.com / sciencevideobank.wikispaces.com It is a WikiSpace... Anyone can access and also join in and contribute.... Clips are simply sorted into subjects and topics and accessed via a contents page.
Evolution of Thinking... What makes an ideal video clip as a lesson component? 1.Something which cannot be done in class 2.Short, sharp, and thought provoking 3.Humorous and/or attention grabbing 4.Connects with the real world and shows the application of science But what of the many clips which simply show a teacher teaching or repeat a common class demo or practical?
Initially dismissed but... 1.Revision or catch up work 2.“plan B” when equipment fails or when the results are unexpected 3.For “active” self-learning lessons 4.As a homework or virtual learning resource (VLE) Could This begin to form an “alternative video SoW” for each topic?
The future : 1.We will continue to develop 2.Other resource sites (google Video etc) 3.Links to other sites page 4.Search tips page 5.Spread the word and collaborate (Wiki) 6.Happy to be assimilated or connected to by other existing resource sites