MY JOB C2F VADM Dawson’s representative.C2F VADM Dawson’s representative. Discuss Lessons Learned from Fleet Perspective.Discuss Lessons Learned from Fleet Perspective.
Seapower 21 Sea ShieldSea Shield Sea StrikeSea Strike Sea BaseSea Base MINEWARFAREMINEWARFARE
KEY LESSONS LEARNED Role of MIWCRole of MIWC MCM Force DefenseMCM Force Defense MIW Staff Training/ManningMIW Staff Training/Manning Intelligence/InterdictionIntelligence/Interdiction ROE/PPRROE/PPR MIW MetricsMIW Metrics Exercise StructureExercise Structure Offensive MiningOffensive Mining BUILDING THE FOCUS BUILDING THE FOCUS
MIWC East Coast designates SCC as MIWC. West Coast retains MIWC with CWC.East Coast designates SCC as MIWC. West Coast retains MIWC with CWC. Ensure roles of MIWC and MCMC are well defined.Ensure roles of MIWC and MCMC are well defined. MIWC should focus on big picture.MIWC should focus on big picture. –Coordination of air/surface assets. –Setting of acoustic silencing measures. (Range ships to obtain hull specific signatures). –Establish MIW Conditions of Readiness. –Force protection of MCM Assets. Assign secondary MIWC (Second AEGIS Cruiser?)Assign secondary MIWC (Second AEGIS Cruiser?)
MCM FORCE DEFENSE Mine threat denies unrestricted maneuver to CRUDES MCM force defense package.Mine threat denies unrestricted maneuver to CRUDES MCM force defense package. Armed helicopters/CAP offer best avenue of protection, particularly in early days of MCM campaign.Armed helicopters/CAP offer best avenue of protection, particularly in early days of MCM campaign. Establish clear lines of command early to maximize speed of response when forces are required.Establish clear lines of command early to maximize speed of response when forces are required. Have MCMC review force defense plan prior to implementation.Have MCMC review force defense plan prior to implementation.
Staff MIW Training Address early in IDTC.Address early in IDTC. Ensure staff understands capabilities and limitations of MCM assets.Ensure staff understands capabilities and limitations of MCM assets. Gain thorough understanding of MIW terms and definitions (MDA vs MTA).Gain thorough understanding of MIW terms and definitions (MDA vs MTA). Staff must understand risk if minelayers are allowed to operate.Staff must understand risk if minelayers are allowed to operate. Understanding of CRN/MRNs not well developed.Understanding of CRN/MRNs not well developed.
Staff MIW Training MEDAL not loaded and/or databases not populated for areas of operation for CSG/ESGMEDAL not loaded and/or databases not populated for areas of operation for CSG/ESG MEDAL not introduced early in IDTC. Need time to gain familiarity.MEDAL not introduced early in IDTC. Need time to gain familiarity. No course specifically for CSG/ESG MEDAL operators, only dedicated MCM MEDAL operator’s course.No course specifically for CSG/ESG MEDAL operators, only dedicated MCM MEDAL operator’s course.
Staff MIW Training ESG uses 4W grid as basis for its architecture.ESG uses 4W grid as basis for its architecture. MEDAL has no 4W grid format. 4W grid must be plotted in GCCS-M then overlaid in MEDAL introducing human error into process.MEDAL has no 4W grid format. 4W grid must be plotted in GCCS-M then overlaid in MEDAL introducing human error into process. MCM staff should be present at ESG planning meetings to ensure architecture is accurate.MCM staff should be present at ESG planning meetings to ensure architecture is accurate.
MIW Situational Awareness Mine geometries were not always displayed because they “cluttered the screen”.Mine geometries were not always displayed because they “cluttered the screen”. Mine overlay geometries not understood.Mine overlay geometries not understood. MEDAL overlay available but not used since it was only installed in CDC.MEDAL overlay available but not used since it was only installed in CDC. Staff could not identify mine geometries.Staff could not identify mine geometries.
MIWC Staff Manning Currently SCC is not staffed to assume roleCurrently SCC is not staffed to assume role –Require two LNOs for planning cell. –A minimum of one MIW trained watchstander per section. –A minimum of one MEDAL/GCCS-M operator per section. –One option is to have COMINEWARCOM develop deployable detachment structure to provide necessary expertise. Integrate MIW cell with SUW/MIO or combine with ASW to form USW module.Integrate MIW cell with SUW/MIO or combine with ASW to form USW module.
Intelligence Fight to get national collection assets assigned to MIW mission.Fight to get national collection assets assigned to MIW mission. Ensure intelligence on MIW is efficiently disseminated to all units.Ensure intelligence on MIW is efficiently disseminated to all units. Devote enough priority to get MIW targets placed high on JIPTL (requires senior MIW LNO at Component Commander).Devote enough priority to get MIW targets placed high on JIPTL (requires senior MIW LNO at Component Commander).
Interdiction Devote enough assets for consistent tracking. If not MTA expands exponentially.Devote enough assets for consistent tracking. If not MTA expands exponentially. Be prepared for OPFOR aircraft to hinder tracking efforts.Be prepared for OPFOR aircraft to hinder tracking efforts. Be alert to unconventional mine laying methods.Be alert to unconventional mine laying methods. In Operation IRAQ FREEDOM, devotion of SIGINT assets to MIW paid huge dividends.In Operation IRAQ FREEDOM, devotion of SIGINT assets to MIW paid huge dividends.
MIW ROE / PPRs Have clearly defined ROE.Have clearly defined ROE. Tie ROE to PPRs for instant reaction.Tie ROE to PPRs for instant reaction. Develop detailed PPRs to cover conceivable scenarios.Develop detailed PPRs to cover conceivable scenarios. Develop mitigating measures for ships operating in or near MTAs (Adjust speed/plant configuration to reduce acoustic signature).Develop mitigating measures for ships operating in or near MTAs (Adjust speed/plant configuration to reduce acoustic signature).
MIW ROE / PPRs PPRs must be promulgated early to ensure all task force commanders incorporate into battle plans.PPRs must be promulgated early to ensure all task force commanders incorporate into battle plans. Ensure required reports are filed for mine sightings.Ensure required reports are filed for mine sightings.
MIW Metrics –Establish set MIW Metrics to gauge progress and effectiveness: 100% visual I.D. of potential minelayers.100% visual I.D. of potential minelayers. Time mine laying vessels tracked.Time mine laying vessels tracked. Number of mine laying events detected.Number of mine laying events detected. Time units operate outside of Q-routes.Time units operate outside of Q-routes. Time units operate outside protected areas in MTA.Time units operate outside protected areas in MTA. Number of units hit by mines.Number of units hit by mines.
CSG/ESG Coordination More effective coordination and sharing of information between CSG and ESG.More effective coordination and sharing of information between CSG and ESG. Future success of CSG organic MIW depends on sharing of assets.Future success of CSG organic MIW depends on sharing of assets. Development of CSG/ESG organic MIW air assets depends on ESG releasing two H-60 assets for MCM work.Development of CSG/ESG organic MIW air assets depends on ESG releasing two H-60 assets for MCM work.
Exercise Structure JTFEX often first practical BG exposure to mine warfare. Include MIW exercises leading up to JTFEX.JTFEX often first practical BG exposure to mine warfare. Include MIW exercises leading up to JTFEX. Deploy real shapes from mine-laying vessels during exercise.Deploy real shapes from mine-laying vessels during exercise. Wide disparity of adherence to Q-routes within Battle groups.Wide disparity of adherence to Q-routes within Battle groups. Set up notional minefields around Q-routes and MTAs.Set up notional minefields around Q-routes and MTAs.
Exercise Structure Declare mine strikes against units that stray from routes to provide immediate feedback.Declare mine strikes against units that stray from routes to provide immediate feedback. Rarely enough time during JTFEX to complete required events.Rarely enough time during JTFEX to complete required events. –MIW conducted from remote location. –MIW not included in JTFEX geometry. –MIW accomplished notionally. More emphasis needed during JTFEX. Add MIW NMETLS to COMPTUEX.More emphasis needed during JTFEX. Add MIW NMETLS to COMPTUEX.
Exercise Structure M any ships transited into MTAs, unaware of Q- routes and MCM box locations.M any ships transited into MTAs, unaware of Q- routes and MCM box locations. CDC had to build and distribute overlays via GCCS-M.CDC had to build and distribute overlays via GCCS-M. Ensure OPTASK MCM is received by all units in operation.Ensure OPTASK MCM is received by all units in operation.
Offensive Mining Ensure MIWC/STWC/AREC linkup for asset coordination.Ensure MIWC/STWC/AREC linkup for asset coordination. Using only organic BG assets limits weapons selection/asset allocation.Using only organic BG assets limits weapons selection/asset allocation. Consider B-52 when planning mining missions.Consider B-52 when planning mining missions. Consider number of sorties required by using tactical air assets vice volume of strategic air (B- 52).Consider number of sorties required by using tactical air assets vice volume of strategic air (B- 52).
Offensive Mining Practice early and continuous reachback to COMOMAG.Practice early and continuous reachback to COMOMAG. Develop decision matrix to weigh options and prioritize COAs. Significant ROE considerations required.Develop decision matrix to weigh options and prioritize COAs. Significant ROE considerations required. MIW level of awareness must be high.MIW level of awareness must be high. Focus on ports, transshipment points, concealment options (Asymmetric).Focus on ports, transshipment points, concealment options (Asymmetric).
CSG and MIW Build up of MIWC organization and command structure to include additional manning.Build up of MIWC organization and command structure to include additional manning. Addition of H-60s configured for mine hunting and destructionAddition of H-60s configured for mine hunting and destruction Capability for detection of mines (RMS).Capability for detection of mines (RMS). Additional underway training in MIW for afloat staffs.Additional underway training in MIW for afloat staffs.
ENTERPRISE STRIKE GROUP MEASURES Resolve assignment of primary and alternative MIWC dutiesResolve assignment of primary and alternative MIWC duties Revise MIW section of OPORD 6000 list of required MIW overlaysRevise MIW section of OPORD 6000 list of required MIW overlays Ensure MEDAL is properly installed and populated on units serving as primary and secondary MIWC.Ensure MEDAL is properly installed and populated on units serving as primary and secondary MIWC. Schedule MIW events during upcoming Group Sail and COMPTUEX.Schedule MIW events during upcoming Group Sail and COMPTUEX. Spartan Scout on GETSpartan Scout on GET
FUTURE ISSUES Rogue MinersRogue Miners Surge Concept - JTFX?Surge Concept - JTFX? Spartan ScoutSpartan Scout INNOVATION IS THE KEY! INNOVATION IS THE KEY!
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