OPPO-ONLINE Caroline Hetterschijt – QMD (OHIM) E-Business user group meeting – Alicante, Spain, 27 June 2007
…an online gateway to opposition proceedings. Objectives …an online gateway to opposition proceedings. Objectives: To improve quality and speed, both in opposition related communications and services to clients, and in the actual opposition proceedings handled by the OHIM. To achieve full integration with other e-business solutions (such as MYPAGE, e-communication, Online Access to Files and e-payment), while taking advantage of the functionalities and services included in the new EM++ CTM OPPO system.
Current situation Analysis finished. Estimated go-live (depending on new Back Office system) in 2008.
Proposed interfaces Opponent’s list of oppositions OPPO-ONLINE includes the following features: New filter options… ,,, and a column displaying users’ references. Opponent’s list of oppositions
Proposed interfaces Applicant’s list of oppositions The Applicant’s interface also includes these new filters… … and user’s references. Applicant’s list of oppositions
Proposed interfaces Cooling Off Period Milestone viewer The OPPO milestone viewer will include buttons that will allow users to perform requests related to the selected opposition’s current milestone: Cooling Off Period Milestone viewer
Information: (+ 34) 965 139 100 (switchboard) (+ 34) 965 139 400 (e-business technical incidents) (+ 34) 965 131 344 (main fax) information@oami.europa.eu e-businesshelp@oami.europa.eu Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) Avenida de Europa, 4 E-03008 Alicante SPAIN