3rd GA meeting, Dublin WP7 HEAnet Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures.


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Presentation transcript:

3rd GA meeting, Dublin WP7 HEAnet Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures

Agenda Objectives Deviations from the original plan Green Data use case Green Information Model Green optimisation Stitching Technology model Summary WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 2013

Objective 7.1 The main goal of this task is to setup a GSN node that will allow access from varied NREN infrastructures to the GSN network. (Start: M1, End: M15, Leader HEAnet) To achieve this subtasks are required to carry out:  Analysis of different possibilities to connect the two infrastructures. Complete  Integration of MANTYCHORE physical resources in GSN.  It includes all the process of installation of a connection MANTYCHORE-GSN. GSN project finished  To specify requirement and planning of the software integration. It is necessary understand and specify how MANTYCHORE and GSN services will be able to collaborate. Complete  MANTYCHORE services provide facilities to configure routers and interfaces give flexibility thanks to its IaaS architecture and give a management of logical devices. Complete WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 20133

Objectives T7.2 T7.2 Information model and API implementation between MANTYCHORE and GSN (Start: M17, End: M28, Leader HEAnet)  Identify possible application of GSN algorithms, with different policies and an optimised set of options, to the MANTYCHORE green services. Complete  Identify a common green energy information model with a common API that allows the establishment of specific policies for establishing connectivity paths, with green energy constrains, across the whole infrastructures. Complete  Every MANTYCHORE device has an energy expense will be measured using different techniques. This subtask searched different possibilities to study the electrical consumption of each device and to integrate this information into the MANTYCHORE service application. Complete  Different options for connectivity services were evaluated by conducting trials and experiments to highlight the full capability of these services. Complete  The GEANT Stitching Framework was used to consider as an option to characterise and highlight the attributes and energy consumption parameters to allow for easier integration into emerging solutions. Complete WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 20134

Deviations from the Original Plan D7.2 Networks and services interconnection between MANTYCHORE and GSN (R/P, PU, M25)  The implementation of the MANTYCHORE and GSN compliant green energy information model and its associated API, will be tested and validated. This information model will improve the performance of current services provisioning algorithms, since energy constrains will be considered together with the network constrains. Complete  Final experimental conclusions will show that both infrastructures can requests connectivity services between them while maintaining green energy information updates of the resources involved. Algorithms defined within the GSN testbed will be assessed within the MANTYCHORE infrastructure.. Complete WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures5June 26th 2013

Green Data Use Cases  Network operators  want to monitor power usage  want green routing  Data Centre operators  want to monitor power usage  want green processing WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 20136

Green Information Model (1/2) GIM for IaaS: Data centre scenario WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 20137

Green Information Model (2/2) Call PDU Resource Powernet  The OpenNaaS administrator should create a powernet resource and use PowerNetManagementCapability to populate GIM model according to reality.  Create PDU resources.  Instantiate a PDU resource for each PDU device in the powernet. Provide driver required details, such as PDU management IP address, and the powernet id (in the resource descriptor).  Create routers and other power consumers.  Create routers and other consumers with power related capabilities and “DelegatingToPDUDrivers” (specify all this in the resource descriptor). Provide driver required details, such as powernet ids (in the resource descriptor).  Use routers and other consumer Network elements independently of the fact they are using PDUs. WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th 20138

Green Optimisation (1/2)  (scenario, test and restults from chapter 8 in D7.2 – 1-2 slides) WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures9June 26th 2013

GIM Simulation Simulation showing requests for application connectivity from GIM Model for VM transfers using 2 years of actual Data based on availability of Renewal Energy at these Data Centres for 3 day period in June. WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th

Stitching Technology Implementation WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructuresJune 26th

Cross WP Interactions 12 WP3 WP5 WP7 Test Case Generation WP1 WP2 WP4 Exploring potential client implementations of OpenNaaS Participation in Work Activity Leader Meetings GSN MoU Publications/Conferences WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures Test bed setup Collaboration BoD Dynamic and static circuit setup June 26th 2013

Achievements M1-M33 European GSN network infrastructure designed and deployed  Five GSN capable nodes installed by WP7 participants  Three in Ireland (HEAnet)  One in Iceland (NORDUnet)  One in Spain (I2cat)  Chapter of eBook FIA Future Internet Achievements and Promising Technologies “Renewable Energy Provisioning for ICT Services in a Future Internet”  EUNIS conference at Trinity College Dublin June 2011  Mantychore/GSN integration use case submitted to WP4 Active negotiations on test scripts, transfer, handoff process and messaging using APIs with Greenstar.  Completion of Deliverable D7.1  Computer Networks article submitted September 15 th Accepted Feb  NA4-T1 GEANT Connect article on GSN/ Mantychore project March  Article submissions to TNC and e-Energy 2012 feedback used to redirect / enhance future studies and deliverables.  Completion of Deliverable D7.2 June 26 th WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures


Backup Slides

Concept and Objectives I  Mantychore started collaboration with GSN (GreenStar Network) project for the integration of its NREN infrastructures where the GSN network is formed by a set of green nodes with each node powered by sun, wind or other renewable energy sources.  The GSN Carbon Measurement Protocol is used for GSN to measure the quantity of energy and carbon emissions permitted in these nodes.  The NREN infrastructure will be connected to the GSN network and it will add new resources, as Mantychore resources.  Currently Mantychore features allow new possibilities to solve different issues in configuration, provisioning, testing, and will be enhanced for monitoring power.  Generate carbon credits from the reduction of carbon resulting from relocation different network resources among networks and test beds. Relocation of these resources could possibly save tons of carbon per year. 16 WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures June 25th 2013

Concept and Objectives 2 Benefits of the proposed User case studies are. The location of the consortium and its distance from other sources such as the GSN test-bed from Canada and Mantychore infrastructure at Europe added a new user case to this project. This analyzes how it is possible to move services to computing or networking resources and why its situation and location can influence that choice. To collaborate to research and create cloud management algorithms making optimal use of the intermittently-available renewable energy sources. The viability and usefulness which will be measured by the degree to which the renewable energy sources can be utilized. This usefulness will be checked in the different use cases and will specify the best options to reduce emissions and energy. Workflow and processes will be transparent for end users. For an end user, his transferred service will work continuously without any problem. WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures 17 March 29th 2012

WP7 Gantt chart WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures 18 Mantychore and GSN network connected at Layer 2 Mantychore and GSN Network connected at Layer 3 D7.1 Delayed M1 Kick-off Project start March 29th 2012

Work Plan M1 to M15 For M1-M15  Setup Connectivity of nodes in Ireland, i2cat Spain, Iceland (NORDUNET ) to the GSN network at layer 2 with nodes powered by Renewable Energy.  Planned / implemented Layer 3 Connectivity plan as a routed network which could utilise Mantychore as a replacement solution.  Worked out Mantychore software dependencies and plan Draft API and messaging sequences.  Assembled data from renewable energy powered locations for experimental purposes.  Produced study documents to show viability of use of Renewable Energy in PoP locations. Wind source completed.  Determined how to implement Bandwidth on Demand connectivity to support inter node and inter hub Virtual Machine software migrations  Submitted research and discussion papers to relevant conferences  Complete Deliverable 7.1 ( in progress ) 19 WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures March 29th 2012

Deliverables and Milestones DELIVERABLES  M1-M15  D7.1 Integration between Mantychore and GSN report  Network Integration  Service Integration  Test Case Method and Traffic Flows  API Enhancements Delayed due to – GSN 2.0 Software availability -Full specification of Mantychore API  Generation of Papers and articles  GEANT NA4-T1 Test Case MILESTONES M1-M15  M3-M6 Euro GSN Node setup  M5 Connectivity to CANARIE/GSN  M12 Setup of Layer based Euro GSN Network with connectivity to Canadian Network with full layer 3 capability at each Hub site  Collection of data from renewable energy locations for simulation and reporting. March 29th WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures x

Network integration III  Phase 3: European and Canadian GSN clouds interconnected M12 - -> M15 with GSN Version 1.2 [ Version 2 was expected]  Network infrastructure ready,  Intercloud path diversity available  Node reconfiguration/migration setup for Euro and GSN Hubs and associated nodes Source: WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures March 29th

Service Integration Sample interaction WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures 22 March 29th 2012

Mantychore GSN Test Bed WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures 23 March 29th 2012

Euro GSN Network connectivity designed for GN3 BoD Network WP7 Zero-carbon emission virtual infrastructures 24 March 29th 2012