California Floristic Province By: Matt Brill Matt Carmen Janice Jackson Period 6/7
Overview of Hot Spot Location Location: The California Floristic Province is located on the West Coast of the deserts and in small parts of Oregon and Baja, California. Climate Climate: Hot and dry in the summer, cool and wet in the winters. Population density to extinct species: Population density to extinct species: 121:2 Contains a wide variety of ecosystems Contains a wide variety of ecosystems: – sagebrush steppe, – prickly pear shrub land, – coastal sage scrub – juniper-pine woodland
Human Impacts Human activities and development have a huge impact on this Hot Spot: urbanization Pollution habitat encroachment Oil extraction increasing use of off-road vehicles Conversion of natural lands to agricultural fields Strip-mining (removal of overburden to access buried deposits of useful material) Today, about 25% of the original vegetation of the California Floristic Province remains in more or less pristine condition.