1 西方文明史 第十六講: 航海、遊歷 劉 慧 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版
2 Lionel duke of Clarence EDWARD III Edward Prince of Wales John duke of Lancaster Edmund duke of York Thomas duke of Gloucester RICHARD II Philippa Roger Mortimer earl of March Anne Richard duke of York EDWARD IV , RICHARD III Edmund Mortimer HENRY IV HENRY V HENRY VI , Edward John Beaufort earl of Somerset John duke of Somerset Margaret Beaufort HENRY VII Richard earl of Cambridge Richard duke of York
4 The Age of Exploration and Its Medieval Foundations in th c Geographical expansion The Levant, Poland, the eastern Baltic littoral, Scandinavia, Scotland, Wales, Iberia Institutions Agricultural practice, town organization, guilds, university, international religions order – exportable and adaptable units Techniques Sugar plantation, cattle ranching, fur trade, mining, fishing Credit system, bookkeeping, partnership, monopoly, chartered company Navigation Pax Mongolia John of Monte Corvino, first Catholic archbishop of Peking, appointed by Pope Clement V in 1307 Jordan of Séverac, first Catholic bishop of Quilon from 1329 The 15 th c: gold, God and glory
5 Eastern/Central (/Northern) Europe: the German Eastward expansion Italian Peninsula Iberian Peninsula: Aragon and Portugal ‘Here, there be monsters’
6 The German eastward expansion 10 th c conversion of Bohemia 10 th c Polish prince married Bohemian princess Late 10 th c: Hungary became Christian Ostsiedlung – Brandenburg; Poland, Bohemia – Prussia, the eastern Baltic littoral (Lithuania) – In the country (large-scale grain cultivation)/ in towns – As invaders/ was invited – Germanising/ Slavicized
7 Italy Northern Italy: Pippin the Short, Charlemagne, Otto I etc. as King of the Lombards – Cities ruled by bishops; communal movement – 11th c: emperor vs. pope – 1176 the Lombard League won de facto independence – Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Milan, Florence etc – traders, carriers, producers C sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar to the North Sea Central Italy: Papal States Southern Italy: Byzantium and Muslim settlements – s Norman kingdom of Sicily established – 1194 Henry VI and Frederick II – 1282 Angevin and Aragonese
8 Iberia Al-Andalus flourished in the 10 th c The Christian ‘reconquest’ 1085 Castile took Toledo The Almoravides and Almohades from North Africa Innocent III proclaimed a crusade 1236 Castile took Cordoba Merino wool 1250 Portugal to present extent Atlantic coast line 1238 Aragon took Valencia, also Majorca and Minorca 1137 had united with the county of Barcelona/Catalonia Sea faring, Sicily Granada finally fell
9 Aragonese expertise in sailing Annexed Barcelona in 1137; 13 th c Majorca, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica; took Naples in 1435 Ferdinand and Isabella married in 1469 Kingdom of Aragon, 1443
10 Henry ‘the Navigator’ of Portugal ( ) and the west coast of Africa – Provisioning Italian merchants’ ships – Early 14 th c, the Azores Island (1/3 distance) – Late 14 th c sugar and wine: Azores and Madeira Sugar plantation began in the 12 th -c Syria, and was spread by the Genoese throughout the Mediterranean islands – Gold and slaves Azores Islands Madeira Islands Canary Islands
12 The Portuguese and the Spanish Bartholomew Dias, Cape of Good Hope: race commenced Treaty of Tordesillas: a line 370 leagues west and south of the Cape Verde Islands Vasco da Gama: armed commercial embassy alternative route: underestimation and Christopher Columbus Treaty of Tordesillas 5. c.1500 a new world Pacific sighted Magellan and a ‘southwest passage’: ‘forced’ to circumnavigate the globe Cortes, the Aztec empire 1533 Pizarro, the Inca empire Mid 16 th C governmental control. Silver, farming, sugar
14 Hereford Mappa Mundi, late 13 th c A T-O map
15 The ‘Psalter Map’, c British Library Additional MS 28681, fol. 9 Diameter of map 90 mm
16 Jorge de Aguiar's chart of the Mediterranean, Western Europe and African Coast (1492) × 770 mm
19 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 2 國立臺灣大學 歷史學系 劉 慧 教授。 3 《 The White Queen (The Cousins' War #1) 》 , Philippa Gregory , Published August 18th 2009 by Touchstone 。 Good Reads( , visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用 3 《 The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) 》 , Sony Pictures Home Entertainment , June 10, 2008 。 Amazon( Portman/dp/B0012QE4Q2/ref=atv_upsell_dvd) , Portman/dp/B0012QE4Q2/ref=atv_upsell_dvd visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用 3 《 The Song Of Achilles 》, Madeline Miller , Ecco , Aug 。 Amazon( 20&linkCode=as2&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN= ) , visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 20&linkCode=as2&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN= WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ( w_boundaries.svg) , visited. w_boundaries.svg 版權聲明
20 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 5 、 6 、 7 、 8 、 11 Apeuropean / Apeuropean ( , visited. 6 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 8 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 9 WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ( , visited. 10 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited.
21 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 11 國立臺灣大學 歷史學系 劉 慧 教授。 12 WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ( , visited. 12 、 13 Jspivery / Ding Dong, Michelle C, Lynn, Erica ( , visited. 14 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 15 、 17 WIKIPEDIA ( d_map.jpg) , visited. d_map.jpg
22 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 16 WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ( , visited. 17 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 17 Columbia University ( ia.html) , visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 ia.html 18 維基百科 ( , visited. 18 維基百科 ( , visited.