REDEMPTION The story of Stanley “Tookie” Williams Self-proclaimed Founder of the Crips Convicted of 4 Murders Blue Rage, Black Redemption Children’s Author 2-Time Nobel Prize Nominee Anti-Gang Advocate?
Redemption Los Angeles, CA late 1960’s early 1970’s Racial violence is raging Peaceful protest turns to violent resistance with the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Riots in multiple cities Unemployment rate and dropout rate are skyrocketing Severe inequalities in wealth, education, government assistance, police protection
Redemption LAPD historically white dominated History of police brutality Minorities feel they can’t turn to the Police for help so they look elsewhere When the norm of society does not serve the needs of the people an alternative means must be implemented
Redemption Urban communities of LA County (South Central, Watts, Compton) suffer extremely high rates of: poverty, illiteracy, illegitimate births Development of a violent “street” culture Survival of the fittest Combination of “opportunity / strain theory” Youth with little direction/opportunity find ways to entertain/provide for themselves
Redemption East side Crips “founded” in 1969 by Raymond “Truck” Washington Piru Street Boys West side Crips “founded” in 1971 by Stanley “Tookie” Williams Avalon Garden Boys “We merged as a means of keeping the streets safe, reducing violence and police brutality” Tookie
Redemption Majority had been thrown out of multiple schools and spent time in detention centers years old Neighborhood civic organization??? Aligned themselves to fight other neighborhood gangs Pride, belonging, self-worth “We were the baddest of the bad!” Tookie Khaki pants, t-shirts, suspenders, wide brim hats Blue bandana was a tribute to “Buddha” Canes were carried to display “pimp” status – Tookie People called them “Cripples”
The Name It’s not an acronym for anything Has nothing to do with the word “Crib” Raymond’s brother had severely bowed legs causing problems with his ankles Kids wrote “crip” (short for cripple) on his shoes Others took to walking with a cane and exaggerating a limp to make him feel more comfortable It Stuck
Tookie Thrown out of three high schools in 2 years Took up bodybuilding while in juvenile detention Assault / drug distribution Entered bodybuilding competitions Disqualified for drug use Got a job as a youth counselor Fired for robbery and drug use He was not part of the norm so he needed to find an alternate means of survival
Redemption “we started out – at least my intent was to, in a sense – address all of the so-called neighboring gangs in the area and to put, in a sense – I thought I can cleanse the neighborhood of all these, you know, marauding gangs. But I was totally wrong. And eventually, we morphed into the monster we were addressing” Stanley Williams, prison interview with Barbara Becnel
Stanley Williams