Presentation to Senior Management Team 24 th October 2008 UCD IT Services IT Strategy
IT Strategy Project Status Detailed review of IT Requirements ( 2007/08 ) Discussion & Consultation Document ( May 2008 ) “Draft IT Strategy ” Open Consultation Sessions ( June 2008 ) Presentations to College Executives & Staff SMT Project Board Review – Sept 2008 Review and consultation with UCD Strategy Projects Final Draft Strategy Document & Presentation to SMT Detailed 3 year plans & costings
Current IT Position vs Campus Network expanded from 8,000 points to 25,000 Key services meeting 99.5% availability Research IT - data centre, compute clusters & storage Agreed standardisation of classroom technology Extensive use of portal and eLearning services Laptop and mobile users are the norm Achieved through investment in IT Architecture and Systems over the past 5 years – EU 3 mil per annum
UCD Connect “Daily Users” Sept 2008
Student feedback on IT in education 80% own Laptops 90% use Blackboard 82% say IT makes doing my courses more convenient versus 67% in US sample 64% say IT in my courses improves my learning versus 46% in US sample 60% say most / all of my instructors use IT well in courses versus 44% in US sample
Staff use of research computing UCD has class A project on ICHEC Blue Gene Sept Dr. Marcus Greferath Daedalus hosts equipment for 24 Research P.I.s Community & Shared Cluster used by 60 projects Large Storage provided to 14 P.I.s UCD Researchers include most active on ICHEC ( 2007 ) Dr. Stephen O'Sullivan (astrophysics) - 1,427,158 CPU-hours Dr. Gareth O'Brien (Geology & Geophysics) - 489,733 CPU-hours
Daedalus Data Centre Growth ICHEC / UCD Cluster will add 16 racks in October 2008, using extended space.
Teaching Favoured Teaching Only Research Driven Teaching & Research Balanced Cyber Infrastructure & University Mission “ The organised aggregate of information technologies that can be coordinated to address problems in science and society ” Use cyber-infrastructure intensively Large Storage Data Management Advanced Networks Virtual Collaboration High End Compute 70% do not use cyber-infrastructure Infrastructure divide based on University Mission
Projected expansion
5 x Key Initiatives 1. Sustaining the IT infrastructure & IT performance 2. Enhancing the user experience and access to information 3. Building a collaborative Data Centre & Data Storage 4. Implementing Classroom Technology & Learning spaces 5. Growing eContent and Data Management skills
11 IT Infrastrucutre Priorities Implement ICT Classroom Technology (Capital upgrade - SMT project) Design and implement new data centre capacity Implement data storage expansion capacity Plan for expansion of the UCD campus network Infrastructure
12 T&L - Summary of Priorities Implement support model for ICT in Classrooms in collaboration with Building Services Implementat “e-content” development support service to promote eLearning Expand mobile services to cater for the new student profile – laptop, eContent, mobile software Work to expand new learning & social spaces which are fully technology enabled Teaching & Learning
13 Research – Summary of Priorities Expand hosting and storage capacity for research Upgrade network capacity with HEANet Provide data management & backup service Provide HPC compute resources with ICHEC Develop training and support services for research users, including applications Research IT
14 Admin Systems – Summary of Priorities Provide web based user driven services (e.g. new curriculum builder ) Address the need for management information and reports Provide staff with comprehensive office productivity tools Develop a prioritized information systems plan in conjunction with users Ensure integration of information across systems Administrative Systems
15 Web – Summary of Priorities Ensure UCD web is easy to manage and improve search facilities Develop the UCD Intranet Develop portal services to meet the mobile and access needs of staff and students Develop a web architecture and provide more advanced Web 2.0 technologies Web Services
IT Plan 2009 Customer Service Health Checks, Information Sessions, Training User Experience Web Interfaces, Portal Design, Search Information & Electronic Content MIS, eContent, Data & Content Management Infrastructure & Architecture Capacity, Storage, 24x7 Availability, Monitoring