Passport to College Update SJDC Foundation Meeting September 9, 2013 Michael Kerns Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Student Services
Passport to College Update Background Planning for Fall
Background In 2006, Passport to College was designed in collaboration with the Board of Trustees, Superintendent/President, and the Delta College Foundation to address: Low high school graduation rates Low college-going rates Low average income Low literacy rates High unemployment rate 2 3
Background Delta College and the Delta Foundation agreed to: Offer every fifth grade student, enrolled in a public school in the SJDC District, the opportunity to enroll in the Passport to College program Cover the cost of enrollment fees to attend Delta College for two years Number of Potential Students: 12,036 students in 257 fifth grade classrooms in 146 elementary schools in the SJDC District 4
Background Passport to College Program Agreement Requirements: Must be enrolled in 5 th grade in a public school district within the SJDC District during Must earn a high school diploma, GED or pass the California Proficiency Exam from a high school within SJDC District, within the eight year period Must complete a “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” (FAFSA) and scholarship application Complete a Delta College Application for Admission and take the Assessment Test Attend Parent/Student meetings 5
Field trips to Delta College (These field trips were paid for by participating districts) Background 6
Campus Open House events were held for 6 th - 9 th grade students to learn about Delta College programs and to prepare for their future Background 7
Mandatory Parent/Student meetings were held to learn about educational goals and opportunities Background 8
Planning for Fall 2014 How are we going to honor our financial commitment? How many Passport Students plan to attend Delta? What classes do we need to offer? 9
Planning for Fall 2014 How are we going to honor our financial commitment? Approval of Loan Agreement On October 16, 2012, the Board of Trustees approved a $2.25 million loan agreement to the Delta College Foundation for the purpose of honoring the Passport to College Enrollment Fee payment commitment 10
Planning for Fall 2014 How many Passport Students plan to attend Delta, and what classes do we need to offer? Passport to College Task Force established in 2012 Assessment Testing locations added at 15 high schools Developed Communication Plan in January 2013 Meeting with high school principals, counselors, and staff Visit high schools to assist Passport students with the application process Letters and information flyers sent to Passport students/parents Application by June 16, 2013 Assessment Test by July 1, 2013 Continue to respond to s and telephone calls 11
Communication Plan Outcomes Potential Passport Students6,987 Completed Applications 2,569 (29%) Completed Assessment Testing 2,031(21%) Planning for Fall
Next Steps Fall 2013 Mandatory Parent/Student Meetings at High Schools Review Passport to College Program Requirements Application for Admission Assessment Test FAFSA Spring 2014 Financial Aid Outreach Teams will conduct workshops at each High School to assist parents in completing the FAFSA Planning for Fall
Destination Delta College, Fall 2014! 14