© 2001 The Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. CPUC WNA Public Workshop San Francisco July 21, 2009 SoCalGas Whole Neighborhood Approach “Suburban” Geographic Segment
Map of SCG Service Territory , , ,874 Eligible CustomersRuralUrban 2,024,477213,6251,810,852
Marketing & Outreach Strategies Bill inserts, direct mail, outbound calling, blasts, web interest form, events, partnering & canvassing (WNA and traditional) are all ways SCG uses to market its Direct Assistance Program (DAP). SCG continues to explore new ways to increase program awareness by leveraging internal and external relationships (e.g., Public Affairs – internal; Municipal, Political, Non-Profits, CBOs - external). Additionally, SCG is partnering with its contractor network to provide LIEE program services in conjunction with LIHEAP and CDBG activities.
Marketing & Outreach Strategies WNA Highlights: SCG Direct Mail Outbound Calling Leveraging (LIHEAP, CDBG) Partnerships (LATTC)
Lead Processing & Enrollment Leads are entered into the HEAT database by both SCG and the LIEE contractors depending on the source of the Lead. Leads are followed-up with a phone call by the assigned contractor to schedule an Enrollment & Assessment appointment in the customer’s home. Enrollments are initiated during the first home visit. If additional documents are needed, Enrollment & Assessment representatives work with the customer and/or landlord to complete all necessary documentation.
Lead Processing & Enrollment WNA Highlights: Canvassing List Strategic canvassing effort Increased open communication SCG to Contractor SCG Internal Contractor Internal “Reality Check” on Neighborhoods Focused assessment of eligibility statistics
Timeline and Overview Qualified customers are immediately contacted by designated contractor to schedule needed services (contractor assignment happens automatically in the HEAT database). Work is scheduled to minimize impact to customer Appliance repair & replacement and/or attic insulation will also be scheduled as quickly as possible.
Timeline and Overview WNA Highlights: Turn-key Contractor schedules own work. SCG coordinates Contractor Mixed Services Enrollment and Assessment Weatherization HVAC Cooperation for Reporting Requirements Open communication for future WNA efforts
Timeline As Related to WNA Efforts Current efforts for WNA activities require a 3 week lead-time in order to coordinate : Neighborhood Identification Neighborhood Definition (data extraction) Direct mail, outbound calling, etc. Current efforts for WNA activity specifies a concentrated canvassing blitz (1 to 3 days) and no more than one week later for scheduled weatherization installation to begin.
Inspection Customer is informed of LIEE services that are subject to 100% inspection Once assigned workflows in the HEAT system are completed an inspection workflow is kicked–off. SoCalGas field inspectors work with the customer to schedule and complete the inspection at the customers convenience.
Inspection WNA Highlights: On-site Inspections
Completion of Treated Homes After the customer agreement has been completed and invoiced in HEAT, a home will be designated as treated.
SCG WNA Results ABCDF Neighborhood (County, Zipcode, Zip+7 etc.) Targeted Total Residential Customers Total Estimated Eligible Total Treated Total Treated Year-to-DateResults Neighborhood A in zip code CAPOC % Neighborhood A in zip code REMCO % Neighborhood A in zip code TELACU % Neighborhood A in zip code TELACU % Neighborhood B in zip code TELACU %
WNA – Wilmington
Wilmington WNA
Emerging SCG WNA Strategy Example: Avalon-Carter/REMCO in Wilmington First Effort of large geographical area focusing on PRIZM “Mayor’s Day of Service” Event Approximately 3008 eligible customers Pre-Appointments – 55 Not-at-home rate of 47% Not Interested of 20% Enrollment rate of 13% Additional expenses for on-site command post, booth, block closure Cumbersome post-effort analysis
WNA – La Habra
Emerging SCG WNA Strategy Example: TELACU in La Habra Early effort targeted a large geographical area based on a map grid. Approximately 878 eligible customers Not-at-home rate of 83% Enrollment rate of 13% Additional expenses for on-site command post Cumbersome post-effort analysis Later effort targeted a smaller geographical area based on zip7 addresses. Approximately 107 eligible customers (one zip7 area) Not-at-home rate of 77% (combined) Enrollment rate of 36% No on-site command post Simplified post-effort analysis using zip7 data
SCG - WNA Examples of upcoming efforts: Southgate/Lynwood WNA effort using six separate zip7 areas. Approximately 1,100 eligible customers (about 180/zip7) 71% in self-certification Prizm codes (combined) Effort to be completed in July Direct mail to customer prior to canvassing effort Monrovia WNA effort partnered with LAWorks CDBG project. Approximately 650 eligible customers (about 325/zip7) 49% in self-certification Prizm codes (combined) Effort to be completed in July Direct mail to customer prior to canvassing effort
SCG WNA Efforts Lessons Learned: Focus on canvassing and enrollment and assessment separate from installation Allow for operational flexibility in planning with the contractor Define smaller neighborhoods (< 200): 1) increased accountability due to a clearly defined area and 2) a feeling that the clock is ticking and yet there is a manageable goal Smaller neighborhoods seem to be increasing the effectiveness of the outreach efforts Ability to change operations to increase efficiencies New leveraging opportunities and partnerships Tool for hard-to-reach customers and/or areas
SCG WNA Efforts LIEE Program Enhancements due to WNA: Increased monitoring to refine process Increased data on results Contractors provide required reporting results Beginning to provide additional information regarding customers not home, not interested, etc.) Increased collaboration with other IOU’s, municipalities and other community organizations Overall has helped to increase awareness of the LIEE program SCG is pleased with the contractor’s eagerness to assist and promote the program Improved communication and more focused effort
Questions CPUC WNA Public Workshop San Francisco July 21, 2009 SoCalGas Whole Neighborhood Approach “Suburban” Geographic Segment