Every student. every classroom. every day. Creating the Conditions for Learning: Transforming School Culture & Climate Jody London, Director, Board of.


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Presentation transcript:

every student. every classroom. every day. Creating the Conditions for Learning: Transforming School Culture & Climate Jody London, Director, Board of Education Curtiss Sarikey, Deputy Chief

2 The Goal: ALL Students College, Career, and Community Ready!

3 Not Thriving has a Cost for our Students! Unemployment Rate 33% Higher Than National Average (2012, Bureau of Labor Statistics) In 2011, Dropouts Twice as Likely to Live in Poverty (2010 US Census) Average Dropout Earned $10,386 less on Average Than a High School Graduate, and $36,424 Less Than College Graduates with 4-Year Degree (2010 US Census) US Could Save Approx. $17 Billion a Year in Healthcare Costs if All Students Graduated (Based on Correlation between Dropouts on Medicare and Higher Risk Factors) Dropouts times more likely to Be Incarcerated than Graduates (Northeastern University 2009) 82% of all Inmates Never Graduated High School (Northeastern Univ. 2009)

4 Full Service Community School Definition


Board Policy: Community Schools, Thriving Students Strategic Plan Restorative Justice Student & Family Engagement Social Emotional Learning Site Governance Student Discipline Central Supports: Transforming School Culture Guide PBIS, RJ and Trauma Informed services African American Male Achievement Social Emotional Learning Professional Development Site Implementation: Culture/Climate Teams Data Continuous Improvement Tiered systems of support Coordination of Services Student & Family Engagement Community School Site Plan

7 Targeted Universalism Calling Out African-American Male Achievement

8 School as a Protective Factor and as a Resilient Context Connection Academic Success Supported Transitions Positive Relationships With Adults And Peers Caring Interactions Social Emotional Learning Positive Interactions With Pro- social (Not, Anti-social) Peers Stability Positive Approaches To Disciplinary Infractions & Services and Supports David Osher, PhD, American Institutes of Research

9 Social and Emotional Learning

10 Three-tiered Model of Behavioral and Academic Support Systems

11 Whole School Restorative Justice Community Conferencing, Conflict Mediation, Harm Circles Community Building Circles, Restorative Conversations, Social-Emotional Learning & Leadership Supported Re-entry, Welcome Circles, Circles of Support & Accountability (COSA) Tier 1 Relationships Tier 2 Non-punitive Response to harm Tier 3 Re-entry

12 OUSD Integrated Model Group counseling/support to staff & family; Coordinated referral process with follow-up; monitoring; targeted health education & screenings

13 Positive Data Trends Cohort Graduation Rate: : 60.7% 2012: 62.6% 2013: 66.8% Growth: +8.1% +8.1% Cohort Dropout Rate: : 27.6% 2012: 24.7% 2013: 21.1% Change: -9.0% -9.0% Suspension Rate: All StudentsAfrican American 2012: 7.4%2012: 17.6% 2013: 5.3%2013: 12.3% 2014: 4.9%2014: 12.7% Change: -2.5%Change: -4.9% A-G Completion: : 39.2% 2012: 42.3% 2013: 43.3% +4.1%

14 In , the suspension rate for students with disabilities was double the rate for all students Suspensions Students with Disabilities

15 Attendance In , chronically absent students missed 124,335 school days $5.5M in lost state funding

every student. every classroom. every day. “A school can create a coherent environment, a climate, more potent than any single influence – teachers, class, family, neighborhood, so potent that for at least 6 hours a day it can override almost everything else in the lives' of children.” - Ron Edmunds

Every Student Thrives!

Thank You! (Family,Schools, and Community Partnerships web page) Jody London Director, Board of Education Curtiss Sarikey Deputy Chief, Community Schools and Student Services