Community Eligibility Provision: Tips to Maximize Your ISP Lisa Finkenbinder, RD School Lunch Director City School District of Albany
Identified Student Percentage Number of students certified for free meals by a means other than a household application, compared to total LEA/group of schools/individual school enrollment as of April 1 st data What is the ISP?
SNAP recipients identified through direct certification Medicaid recipients identified through direct certification Eligibility Letter for Free Meals/Milk (submitted by family) Extension of Eligibility Homeless List from Liaison Head Start / Pre-K Evenstart Migrant Youth Runaways Foster Children certified directly by the State or local foster agency Means of Certification
Direct Certification List Scour, Search and Investigate! Leave no stone unturned. Import into your POS system but don’t stop there. Line by line, student by student look for: 2 last names: with or without hyphen Apostrophes Transposed letters Birthdates SNAP takes precedence How to Maximize Your ISP
Eligibility Letters Check ALL students listed Forward to other schools Extension of Eligibility To siblings AND household members of SNAP, Medicaid and Letter Recipients Search by household number (or other common identifier in POS system) How to Maximize Your ISP
Homeless Know your liaison Request periodic updates (monthly is ideal) Migrant/Runaways/Foster Children Know your guidance counselors, social workers, Assistant Principals, etc Make sure registration personnel know you Head Start/Pre-K Evenstart How to Maximize Your ISP
Talk to your students Those without an application on file At the end of the new school year 30 day grace period Those that were free in previous years Those that “charge” often, high balances, multiple trips through the lunch line, using other students pin #’s How to Maximize Your ISP
Reimbursement District A has 9000 students, serves 6000 lunches per day and has an ISP of 62.5% yielding 100% reimbursement at the free rate. District B has 9000 students, serves 6000 lunches per day and has an ISP of 60% yielding 96% reimbursement at the free rate, 4% at the paid rate 240 meals per day are claimed at the different rate. District A is reimbursed $ per day, District B is reimbursed $ per day for those same 240 meals. District A identified and additional 225 students directly data matched for free meals Why Maximize?
Equity and equality In a building, neighborhood or district Are PRICELESS! Why Maximize?