Red-eyes Disease Status and Prevention
Red-eyes disease status The red-eyes disease situation of this year is worse than every year in the past. In the recent days, the number of patients examined red-eyes is extremely high. 5PM at Eye hospital (a lot of people waiting for examine)
Causes of red-eyes disease It is caused by certain germs when they enter the eye. Direct contact, e.g., a person touches the pus in the eye of person who has the disease and rub his own eye with the same hand without washing it. Using the same towels or clothes with someone who has the infection. House flies.
Signs of red-eyes disease The eyes are red (usually). The eyes water or discharge pus. The eyelids stick together after sleep. Feeling discomfort in the eye (like itchy or scratchy).
Prevention from red-eyes disease Do not: Touch or rub your eyes. share towels or washcloths with others and wash your clothes & towels frequently share eye make-up, eye drops, contact lens solution or any medications. contact between the person who have red eyes (minimize)
Prevention from red-eyes disease (Cont) Should Clean your hands frequently with soap and water. Protect the eyes from flies.
For those who have red-eyes Wear sunglasses if light bothers your eyes. Take sick leave or annual leave and stay home a few days for recovery. Avoid swimming in a pool if you have eyes drainage. Do not touch or rub your eyes. If your eyes itch or burn, use a tissue to wipe drainage; put the used tissue in the trash, and clean your hands. Do not wear contact lenses. Discard contact lens solution used before or during your eye illness. Disinfect contact lenses before resuming use.
Take care yourself! Chúc sức khỏe!