Leanne Witt, CPhT Cox Walnut Lawn Hospital (CoxHealth System) Springfield, Missouri
Discuss potential strategies for emergency preparedness for the pharmacy and the pharmacy buyer.
Sunday evening May 22, EF5 tornado hit Joplin MO Path of destruction was approximately 14 miles long Thousands of households were destroyed or determined non livable Many business, schools, churches, medical facilities were destroyed Over 150 lives were lost due to this tornado
Are you familiar with how your state handles disasters Natural, biological, chemical State Board of Pharmacy State Board of Healing Arts
Know the disaster plan for your: Facility Department Work area Wholesaler
Each type of disaster will more than likely have its own specific requirements Have phone numbers of local and state agencies on hand State pharmacy association contact information Communication plan if normal lines of communication are not available
Don’t stress, ask for help if you need it Emergency contacts readily available electronic hard-copy Computer access Lists of medications used in different types of disasters Other Emergency Contacts Area medical facilities
Thank you