DUNLEITH LANE DRAINAGE SYSTEM Justin Lyle and Cody Binder Senior Design Advisor: Mohamed Zeidan Construction ET 10/08/2014
Objective To understand what the drainage problem is on Dunleith Lane in Mandeville, Louisiana. Once the problem is fully understood, formulate the most cost efficient way to correct the problem.
Overall Vision Repair the drainage issue on Dunleith Lane Reduce the amount of standing water in the ditches after storms Prevent any flooding from happening in the streets or the back yards of the occupants
Research on Drainage Correction Research different ways that different drainage issues are corrected See how this particular drainage problem compares to other common drainage issues Research flow rate formulas and how they will apply to the drainage on Dunleith Lane
Deliverables Through the use of surveying and soil mechanics we will be able to understand and evaluate the drainage issue Drafting will also be required in order to get the drawing on paper with proper dimensions and elevations applied, AutoCAD will be the tool we use to do our drafting Some fluid mechanics will also be required in order to calculate the flow rates of the drainage system we plan to establish Estimating the amount of land that will be need to be cut and filled will also play a role in this project Lastly, project management skills will be required to go about the project in the most cost efficient manner.
Photos Main drainage that carries water out of the neighborhood to an external drainage system
Photos (continued) Photos show how shallow the drainage system in the neighborhood is in some spots compared to others (causing standing water to accumulate
Timeline (1 st Semester) 10/8- Proposal/Power Point 10/13- Receive Permission from Homeowners 10/19- If possible receive any existing drawings of the land 10/27-Take detailed pictures of area 11/2-Measure Dimensions of neighborhood 11/10-Create Preliminary drawings with dimension 11/17-Survey the Area 11/24-Analysis of the collected data/establish problem 12/1- Complete final presentation (first semester)
Timeline (2 nd Semester) 1/27- Proposal 2/5- Establish flow rate of current system 2/16- Research correcting similar drainage issues 2/26- Create ideal drainage system 3/5- Calculate how much will be cut and filled 3/18- Create drawing of new system and cut and fill diagram 4/1- Estimate cost of project options 4/15- Create schedule for project 4/29- Establish most cost effective option 5/10- Final Presentation