U.S averages 1000 tornadoes/year; more than any country U.S averages 1000 tornadoes/year; more than any country
Tornadoes of tornadoes in 2012 in U.S.
definition A vertically rotating column of air A vertically rotating column of air Low pressure Low pressure
Tornado without funnel
Conditions that favor tornado formation
FORMATION OF mT collides with cP (T-storm) Strong winds aloft create horizontal spinning Updrafts lift rotating air
ture=player_embedded&v=GM- abtIT6Is Tornado formation TWC
Supercell- long lived t-storm with updrafts
Multiple vortexes
In Low pressure air is ________
Why do tornadoes pick up things?
WATCHES AND WARNINGS TORNADO WATCH TORNADO WATCH Conditions are favorable Conditions are favorable mT/cP colliding mT/cP colliding Strong updrafts Strong updrafts TORNADO WARNING TORNADO WARNING A tornado has formed (sited or by radar) A tornado has formed (sited or by radar) Take cover! Take cover!
DOPPLER RADAR Shows wind movement; Shows wind movement; Redshift/blueshift = horizontal rotation Redshift/blueshift = horizontal rotation
Doppler Radar Look for radar “hook” = TORNADO! Look for radar “hook” = TORNADO!
Enhanced Fujita Scale Confi rmed Total Confi rmed EF0 Confi rmed EF1 Confi rmed EF2 Confi rmed EF3 Confi rmed EF4 Confi rmed EF5 868*
Tornado season- spring
Feb. 5, 2008 (Super Tues.) 57 deaths 57 deaths 87 tornadoes 87 tornadoes
Joplin, MO May 22, 2011 EF5 EF5 160 deaths 160 deaths 7 th worst in US history 7 th worst in US history 75% of town damaged 75% of town damaged
DAMAGE Most from flying debris Most from flying debris
What to do? Don’t try to outrun- get to a low place Don’t try to outrun- get to a low place Go to the basement or center of house Go to the basement or center of house Seek shelter under a mattress or sturdy piece of furniture Seek shelter under a mattress or sturdy piece of furniture Don’t waste time opening windows! Don’t waste time opening windows!
July 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe Farms (F-4)
GP memories of 1997 tornado 90/ html? / html? / html? / html?
Flint-Beecher Tornado Deadliest in Michigan Deadliest in Michigan June 3, 1953 June 3, dead 116 dead F-5 F-5
:11 Owosso, MI
Waterspouts Smaller Smaller Less damaging Less damaging
Dust devils Form in fair weather Form in fair weather Hot air rises into cooler air Hot air rises into cooler air Not dangerous Not dangerous